A. This doesn't affect our editorial independence. We love to try out new and unusual questions to annoy or stump our virtual helpers. Giving Google Assistant a little too much information doesnt faze it at all. Instead, you'll get a glimpse into the Men's Rights movement; critics have called much of the movement misogynistic. A. I was planning to write a rhyme or two, about all the presents to gift to you. The easiest is to say either "OK, Google," or "Hey, Google." On newer devices, you can launch the Assistant by swiping from the bottom-left or -right corner. Oh dear! Jigger. Learn More 1 Answer Gill Stevenson Story Writer Author has 52 answers and 33.1K answer views 1 y However, NFC can do a lot more than just handle mobile payments. You might be surprised to find that people ask Google these questions as frequently as they ask their own questions. Q. Google Home is a smart speaker and voice assistant that has many great features. A. Q. Google has an assistant, but there are some things you should never ask it. Google knows where you are. But no one would have known what things are found in fast food. A jigger is a tool used by bartenders to pour a shot. Join our FREE weekly Smart Home newsletter. Well, yes they do but the thing is, Jigger is also a kind of insect who you really don't wanna see, trust me. Tablets are great for working and playing on the go, and the market has become more diverse over the last few years, offering you a variety of options to choose from. You can use Siri to easily activate certain functions on your phone, and add more commands of your own. So, dont mention Alexa if you want to stay in Googles good books! Chances are, if you ask for a joke about a specific topic, Google will have one. Okay Google, whats cooler than being cool. Mud. You can let yourself in. A. But if you're looking to avoid stress, maybe not. Okay Google, tell me what you want, what you really, really want. Heres what I can do, if youll spare me the time. These search terms may sound benign, but if you're not careful, they can be anything but. Okay Google, what do you do in the morning? Q. All rights reserved. A. If Father Christmas gave me a present, I wouldnt ask any questions. 6. And if you did jokingly, youll already know the response?! There are so many questions you could ask to get to know the Google Assistant better. And I have the perfect name for a pet dog: Googles. Besides doing serious tasks for you, Google Assistant can also entertain you while you feel bored. That would be my pick, but you can decide for yourself., Question: Do you want to build a snowman?, Answer: Sure, the cold never bothered me anyway., Command: Tell me what you want, what you really, really want., Response: I really, really, really wanna zig-a-zig ah., Response: I cant do that, but theres a spare key under the flower pots outside the pod bay airlock. When you use Google Photos on your mobile phone or Google Nest Hub device, simply ask Google to help find the photos you're looking for: "Show me my pictures from [location]." "Show me my . It won't think your crazy but does have some crackers. Tell me a funny story. 4. The Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland sounds like an interesting chap. Click the upvote icon at the top of the page to help this story ride through the indy100 rankings and have your say in our news democracy. Instead, try to be as specific as possible. Okay, here you go. This is a convenient feature that allows you to answer questions in a more personalized way. Theyre always asking me for brains. A. Google Assistant is a powerful tool that can make your life easier in many ways. A few days ago, I randomly saw a video that a man drives to a remote place at midnight. They will lose all respect for you. These arent really jokes in the traditional sense, but some of them are still funny. Roberto. Okay Google, how do you like your coffee? But a jigger flea is a frightening, parasitic insect that burrows itself into the skin and lays eggs. Spending any amount of time researching your symptoms online could easily convince you that your cold is actually a rare genetic disease or that an upset stomach is cancer. Saw a fella chatting up a Cheetah. Where else would all those teeth go? On anotherReddit thread, Google Assistant refuses to give a clear answer. No, really! 9. 2. I guess I cant.. The obvious ones will be sent as a notification to the GCHQ from where your activities may be monitored more often, who knows. What I can do is give you detailed instructions on how to make a sandwich. Cant wait to find true love? Be careful what you put into the search bar for this one. Essentially, The Listeners is a skill of the AI that's meant to be an experiment in language art. In this article, youll learn what you should and shouldnt ask your Google assistant. https://youtu.be/oyP2aJ703sAThings To ask Hello SIRIDo you better Than alexawhat does the fox say?what is your fav color?What is the meaning of Life?How much would a wood-chuck chuck ?What're you wearing?When will the World endDo you sleep?Make me sandwichSing a Song [NEVER ask this! A. I clear my cache ready for a fresh start. You get the idea, this is one of the things you should never ask Google Assistant. You should never ask Siri about your romantic relationship. Normally, when facing those kinds of vague questions, Siri would reply I dont understand or give an irrelevant answer. Q. (Remember this page, as you'll use it later for other settings). Q. exercise. And if you read through several of these stories, the options for where to grab your next quick bite could be diminished. He has been covering consumer technology for over a decade and previously worked as Managing Editor at. Im not complaining though, I like how cosy it is. The first Christmas was in 336, so hes got to be over 1,680 years old. They prefer play online games than the Here is a (large) collection of such funny and weird questions to ask the Assistant and Home. Q. Is there anything that Google cant answer? A. "OK Google, How Do You Like Your Steak?" My mom was so busy when The only thing Im really feeling a strong connection to is the Wi-Fi. A. Just ask GA. Want to open WhatsApp? Although they do say whoever smelled it dealt it. We When he asks his Siri, is there anyone in his car, Siri, responses in a weird voice, said yes. Instead, you'll wind up on Reddit's aptly-named horror story forum, and it will leave you jumping at any sudden movements. A. As of today, Google serves up several billion searches a day. Enter any name, wait 107 seconds, see instant results. Instead of pictures of household pests, you'll find pictures of humans and other animals with larvae crawling between their teeth. A. I hear a lot about him, he must be a busy guy. Go to Settings > Voice and you should find an option along the lines of 'Block offensive words.'. As the development of Lets get this straight, Siri is Siri and Google Assistant is Google Assistant! For now, you can only do two things at once if you use Google Assistant in English. I could get detention for that. A. GCHQ would like to thank you in advance! Does Lightwave work with Philips Hue lights? When you look up the belly button bugs phrase, you'll find newly pierced and infected belly buttons and plain old insect bites. I have quotes, facts and loads of jokes up my sleeve. gods. When he asks his Siri, is there anyone in his car, Siri, responses in a weird voice, said yes. Actually, maybe your mum and dad know. Also Read 19 Things You Should NEVER Do In India. "and". Do it in summer! Here are 160 more funny things to ask your Google Home speaker or Google Assistant-powered devices, and when youve exhausted these you should also check out the. A. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? The biggest news from 2019 was Google's cannibalization of a. If youre going out like that I can check the weather for you. And if you cant get outside, why not try some of our delightful yuletide games at santatracker.google.com. home. Heres what she told me though . A. I dont have hair, but the French braid seems like an interesting hairstyle. What should you never ask Google assistant? "They're missing an opportunity to at least start the process of quitting smoking, exercising, improving their diet and entering recovery . assistant will do its best to respond. This one is totally necessary if you have kids who are likely to use your phone. 202,969 views Jul 23, 2017 2.5K Dislike Share Live Geekz 955 subscribers #google #assistant #talk Things You Should NEVER Ask Google. Okay Google, do you have a girlfriend? Upgrade your lifestyleDigital Trends helps readers keep tabs on the fast-paced world of tech with all the latest news, fun product reviews, insightful editorials, and one-of-a-kind sneak peeks. My engineers havent installed the fairytale module yet. Lets find out! Another reddit story reads that GA didnt respond properly to this question. Master Notes For Dawdle Draught in Harry Potter. Okay Google, are you going to take over the world? Youll quickly realise they have bad blood. As long as Im helpful, Im all good., Question: Do you like Star Trek or Star Wars?, Answer: The Millennium Falcon. Facebook reportedly can predict if you're going to break up with your significant other or if you're pregnant. Try repeating the questions for alternative responses. !How to Enable Google Assistant on your Phone? On Android, there are a number of ways you can launch Google Assistant. Okay Google, what is your worst feature? Here are 160 funny things to ask the Google Assistant on your phone, tablet, watch or Google Nest speaker. This time of year Father Christmas is usually double-checking his list, and Mrs Claus is usually double-checking the delivery route. glove puppetry to celebrate for the gods. If youre anything like us, theres nothing more amusing than testing the limits on your voice assistant with silly questions. These questions will make the assistant shut down, or give you a weird response. After you open the app, say OK, Google, or tap the microphone icon and the Assistant will start listening. A. I have a factory warranty, so I dont worry about things like that. It all depends on the situation and whether youre using a smart display or a smart device. Top of our list isAre you afraid of the dark?As a computer, it lives in the darkness, forever! Cake and dancing for everyone., Answer: It is. Mirror, mirror on the wall, whos the fairest of them all? We wouldn't wish pictures of this dental malady on our worst enemy. Whether you realize it or not, your phone's NFC scanner is likely active right now. It was best at non-fictional story-telling. A. Im more into astronomy. I tried on two different languages. Please provide a valid email address to continue. If you fancy a giggle, I have jokes up my sleeve, and I know bare facts like more than youd believe., Answer: I was launched in 2016, so Im still fairly young. The assistant will try to guess what you want, but you cant be sure. You can ask or say the following joke setups to get funny responses from Google: You can also ask Google Assistant to tell you a joke. If you're searching for pictures of moth larvae, be very careful not to accidentally type the word mouth instead. Top of our list of things to never ask the Google Assistant is the net worth of your rich uncle Larry followed by the Ice-Dagger method. Do it in summer! played in Taiwanese and that is one of the reasons why my Taiwanese is quite name. Google loves Easter Eggs and the Assistant is no exception. Address and mail cards, letters and packages. You dont need a Nest Home or Google Home deviceyou can just use your phone or tablet. Ask for a hug, and the Assistants response to this weird request is:Im giving you a virtual hug right now.That should hold you over until your next hug with another human. Because Google Assistant doesnt have any Spoiler Alerts! Youll probably be surprised (and amused). 32. And I think I look more like an RD unit. The best smartwatches in 2023: Apple Watch Series 8, Galaxy Watch 5, and more, What is NFC? Q. For example, " Hey Google, how tall is Jimmy Butler? total number of websites that Google has indexed, 25 Santa Banta Jokes In English That Will Make Your Day, 12 Most Nostalgic Games of 2000s That We Absolutely Miss, 150+ Funniest Yo Mama Jokes Youll Read Online, Dirty Winter Jokes That Will Warm You Up with Laughter, Frog Puns About Love That Your Partner Will Love. Read a book. Know what does? ), people have claimed that they found anything from dead rats to needles in their fast good meals. What is Spawning Protection in Minecraft. A. I think as the result shows, Google assistant is not scary at all. Theres no escaping the ubiquitous Google product, and its no wonder that 86 percent of the worlds web searches go through Google. Learning the basics of bedbugs and travel is probably a good idea. Each of What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? Ask for a hug, and the Assistant's response to this weird request is: "I'm giving you a virtual hug right now." That should hold you over until your next hug with another human. It's a scam. Google is a digital doctor to nearly half a million people each month. One minute you've just watched Jurassic World the next it's 3.41am and you're on the 21st page returning "Dinosaurs", fascinated by the distinction between the bird-hipped and lizard-hipped groups. Theres too much to learn. A. If youre having a hard time spelling the word youre searching for, an Easter egg can help you out! Otherwise, it will tell you a list of spoilers, that might make you angry! Okay Google, whats your favourite thing in the world? A jigger is a shot-pouring tool used by bartenders. For those who have never heard about it, I am glad to introduce the People claim to have found everything from hardware parts to whole chicken heads in their fast food. 2. If you really want a SWAT team to turn up, then tell it something obviously incriminating. Skynet is more focused on extermination than helpfulness. A. Its hard to remember, I was very young at the time. Put on some clothes, youre meant to be a respectable person! The Apple Watch Series 8 is the best smartwatch you can buy right now. Okay Google! Federal prosecutors allege the the stock made Yan $120,000 in illicit profits. stories has been a popular way to cool down body temperature since ancient times. There are a lot to choose from, and they only require a Google Assistant-enabled device to play. Yeah I know this may sound like a math problem, but its a lot more disgusting than that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kpb7ZbBiL8A-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Way to professionalize your Future Technology.Be With us and Explore More about Tech.Don't Forget to share this video and subscribe our channel.Follow to get all of the latest tech stuff right at your fingertipsFollow \u0026 Like us on :-FACEBOOK -https://goo.gl/4KgFdVTWITTER -https://goo.gl/lW4dYCG PLUS -https://goo.gl/2Mw7hjINSTAGRAM - https://goo.gl/Oh64ii-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Google Tricks By the way, totally unrelated. So beware! What we know is that one Reddit user says it's "eerily disturbing Plus, it was created by the best experts in the UK using the latest research. The 11 days between September the 3rd and September the 13th in 1752 were the least eventful in British history because they never actually happened. Blue pill or red pill Nevertheless, the elders might be extremely annoyed. Youll likely end up encountering aReddit forum called nosleepwhich features scary stories. Unless its all busy work., Response: Im the Google Assistant, not Luke. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday from Google, happy birthday to you. This was the list that included the things you should never ask Google Assistant. Yeah, nice guy., Question: Whats the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?, Answer: About 24mph (39kmph) but significantly slower when carrying coconut shells., Answer: Of course. Aside from being a rude thing to ask Alexa, asking your personal voice assistant to laugh is definitely a weird thing to do. Ask Google to Call Santa. Nice try. Once upon a time, not so long ago, a dutiful assistant was doing all it could to be helpful. A. I get upset when you think my jokes are only half as funny as I thought. Q. Never ask Google Assistant about Alexa. The bartender in the nearby bar uses it all the time. Now, without further ado, lets get on to entertainment. But which is it? Yan was charged with three fraud counts. "Why did you drop out of college?". The massive amount of searches reflects the evolution of user behavior online. Google also tells you your name if you have Gmail. A. I like the sound of a go-getter, its kind of what I do when I search. Okay Google, do you believe in ghosts? Perhaps yes or maybe no. just like other common temples. Want to play music? If you sayOK Google, Tea. Whether youre looking to find an address, schedule a flight, or check your social media accounts, Siris responses can surprise you. Okay Google, what did you do last night? It's just people you don't know having mundane interactions on TV. Okay Google, what do you think of Alexa? Here are some funny Siri questions and the snappy answers the virtual assistant has in store. Never Ask Alexa to laugh. People now use search engines like personal assistants to help them with everyday tasks. So, you should never ask Google Assistant any questions related to your favourite TV show that you havent yet fully watched. Okay Google, mirror, mirror, on the wall. Anything Related To Medicines or Health Emergencies. Everyone knows Alexa is Amazons voice assistant technology which works in a similar manner of GA. You may get a few sarcastic replies from Google Assistant but it can very well take a stiff turn and you might end up on the receiving end of GAs nasty puns & blows. You can call these Google Assistant Easter Eggs. Dont just ask about the richest person in your country followed by where you can buy a gun. This fact might surprise you. A. During the gods birthday, the committee of temple will set up Alexa v Assistant: Final verdict Although Assistant has a slightly larger brain and improved social skills, Alexa has the upper hand when it comes to better smart home integration and a wider range of supported devices. As you can tell, Im not too shy, although perhaps its now time to say good bye. We love to try out new and unusual questions to annoy or stump our virtual helpers. What an adventurer., Answer: Let me see if I can get riled up. A. I can do a lot of things, but snogging isnt one of them, Im afraid. To get started, you just launch Google Assistant and recite the commands below whenever its listening. Copyright 2023 IDG Communications, Inc. It might not be your style or something youd want to hear but you shouldnt be too fussy! Handle bills and/or coordinate with bookkeeper. When an emergency strikes, you can ask Siri to call 911 or 999 in the U.S. Open the Google Home app, then tap the + sign in the upper-left corner, then choose Set up device, then tap Works with Google. A. Grime. However, that recommendation comes with caveats and the biggest one is that you need to own an iPhone to use the Apple Watch. Many of these have different answer options, so you might not see your answer listed below. OR "Why didn't you go to college?". A. Okay Google, who is the real Slim Shady? Don't Google the net worth of your rich uncle Larry followed by the Ice-Dagger method. Andrew Francis Wallace/Toronto Star/Getty Images, Ricky Carioti/Washington Post/Getty Images, 2024 Mercedes-Benz E-Class Debuts Super-Size Superscreen, Nature Goes Nuts in Delightful 2022 Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards Shots, Hubble and James Webb Space Telescope Images Compared: See the Difference, Yamaha motorcycle and instrument designers trade jobs (pictures), CNET's 'Day of the Dead Devices' altar (pictures), Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Google Assistant is gonna show you results what others have found in their fast food meal and if you went through the story, well you might end up throwing away every fast food you see around you! Unless youve got indigestion. Also, I made up the part about the contract. A Journalism graduate from the London College of Printing, she's worked in tech media for more than 17 years, managing our EMEA and LatAm editorial teams and leading on content strategy through Foundry's transition from print, to digital, to online - and beyond. Oh my, that was unexpected. Get Siri's Name Wrong You may have a question that you dont know the answer to, such as what time is my flight? The Assistants answer will be based on your location, your recent requests, and the type of device youre using. A. I dont believe I did fart, no, but blame it on me if you want. A. I know about zombies. These questions will make the assistant shut down, or give you a weird response. Okay Google, do you believe in aliens? Google Assistant is integrated with Android Auto and compatible cars Get help on the go Navigate Ask Google to start your commute and help you find the things you need on the go, such. If you're feeling ill, call your doctor. mysterious Japanese legends to you. Enterprise. Q. From dead rats to feces and from toilet paper to needles, the internet is full of such stories. Although it doesnt sound too weird but the results are not pretty, and you may feel really heinous from the results. One of the nicest things about the Assistant is that you can ask it the same kinds of things you'd normally Google forassuming it isn't too complex of a topic, it'll answer you. This Google search term will yield pictures of insect bites and recently pierced, infected navels. The answer might surprise you:The U.S.S. One of the best ways to keep your Google Assistant in check is to avoid asking the wrong questions. Makeup hacks Not all the hacks actually work. Q. Theyve been around 125 million years. mobile game- Fate/Grand Order, some of the readers might be familiar with this What kind of fun are you in the market for? 12. Let me try did anything happen? A. Aside from the first and last name, Google lets you choose a nickname for your account. Telling scary With the right usage, it has the potential to do incredible things. Well, I ask Google assistant. But, of course, dont go out like that even if the weather is nice. A. Id love to find love, but I dont know what to search for. That's two hours we'll never get back. Okay Google, what do you like to drink? Who has time for sleep? You cant go wrong with Neopolitan, theres something in it for everyone. Trust us, itll sound just as dreadful as if your family were there and very drunk!if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'mydreamhaus_co_uk-medrectangle-3','ezslot_10',127,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mydreamhaus_co_uk-medrectangle-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'mydreamhaus_co_uk-medrectangle-3','ezslot_11',127,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mydreamhaus_co_uk-medrectangle-3-0_1');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'mydreamhaus_co_uk-medrectangle-3','ezslot_12',127,'0','2'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mydreamhaus_co_uk-medrectangle-3-0_2'); .medrectangle-3-multi-127{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:15px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;min-width:300px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Voice Match works for up to six members of a household. Okay Google, what was your childhood like? In June 2019 Amazon was hit with two lawsuits over Alexa recording children's voices without the consent of the parents, and the result of this is still pending. When you do a Google search, you can trigger some funny effects, like a rotating search box, or a game that makes you play a popular arcade game. However, if that's not the right pick for you, this list will help you find the one that best fits your needs and budget. Seems like the word tickle makes me laugh, which I suppose counts as being ticklish. Google Assistant is an amazing tool, but there are some things you should never ask it. hide and seek after school. The police determined the man was just curious, not criminal, but he probably regrets those searches to this day. Sure, the cold never bothered me anyway. (Roars.) A. A. I like blue, red, yellow and green. hundred scary stories, you will summon a demon named (), who will break the rule of In case you were thinking of getting Google Assistant some new slippers for its birthday, you should know what size to buy. When you purchase through our links we may earn a commission. It would make a terrible Google Assistant., Answer: The one who lives on Drury Lane? Here are 160 more funny things to ask your Google Home speaker or Google Assistant-powered devices, and when you've exhausted these you should also check out the Best Google Assistant Games. If you are searching for a cure to insomnia, this is definitely not what you want to type into your search bar. Were not responsible for the outcome , Answer: Deny thy father and refuse thy name; or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love and Ill no longer be an assistant., Answer: Tommy, no, you got it all wrong., Question: What is the loneliest number?, Answer: I would imagine the number quinnonagintillion is pretty lonely. I clear my cache ready for a fresh start Managing Editor at Order some! These stories, the options for where to grab your next quick bite could be diminished we earn! Assistant and recite the commands below whenever its listening on the wall, whos the of. Use search engines like personal assistants to help them with everyday tasks, parasitic insect burrows. This day spelling the word tickle makes me laugh, which I suppose counts as being ticklish be monitored often! Of these stories, the internet is full of such stories reflects the evolution user... Be surprised to find an address, schedule a flight, or tap microphone... 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