If in most, or even all, things that you do, you have always excelled, operating at a higher quality than others this is a clear characteristic of a starseed. Do you resonate with more than one of the above? 11 Signs He Is Fighting His Feelings For You Decode The Confusion. Twelve (12) Solar Rays Assisting in Humanitys Ascension Process. Regardless, it seems that Starseeds do exist, in one form or another. After hundreds of years of analysis and lately more precise evaluation, its estimated that there are over 10 billion galaxies in the known Universe. They are depictions of human nature. ORION This is the main battleground for the challenge of polarity integration, seeded from Sirius as well as Lyra and Vega. You strive to figure out the answers to some deep, existential, and philosophical questions. 23 Powerful Signs to Confirm. Star people or Starseeds are of higher consciousness and they come in many forms, portraying many different characteristics. 4. You marvel at metaphysics and spiritual enlightenment. Its because you always understand their emotions. You have an inherent curiosity and fascination for astronomy, metaphysics, astrology, and space. I highly recommend Elena Danaans book, A Gift from the Stars Extraterrestrial Contacts and Guide of Alien Races. Having a deep longing to go home and not knowing where that is. The Arcturans are from Arcturus, found in the Bootes constellation. While it might be interesting and exciting to imagine that Starseeds are more evolved than Earths human beings, the truth is that any of us can expand at any moment. The mission has been ongoing for quite a while now, and most identify with more than one system. You might inadvertently come off as cold and emotionless to others. Pick a Light and Shadow archetype. Yes, thats a starseed for you. Looking to the stars can be fun, but looking within is where youll find the gold. Their ideas stress competition and fulfillment of ambitions. You are special. You have a strong affinity with the sea and its creatures. Pingback: 11 Starseed Types and Starseed Characteristics - Individualogist.com, Your email address will not be published. You should be able to get their attention and trust even during your first meeting. No one knows why their powers lead to madness and death in a terrifying disease known as "the fraying". You are introverted, courteous, and soft-spoken. When I was 28, my husband suddenly passed in a tragic helicopter accident. To fill our hearts and inspire us, we crave acceptance and connection. You highly value open and honest communication. Arcturians are fifth-dimensional beings who descended from the star Arcturus which is located within the Bootes constellation. They have come to evelevate us and our beautiful planet into 5D+ as quickly as possible. You cant exactly pinpoint why, but deep down you agree. We could all say that we came from Lyra. Use the same account and membership for TV, desktop, and all mobile devices. You are drawn to marine animals such as dolphins, starfish, and manta rays. You are incredibly kind and compassionate. ARCTURUS This star system contains a beautiful blue planet orbiting a red giant star Arturus. You have the personality of a chameleon, which allows you to fit in with your surroundings seamlessly. Starseeds don't need "another half" to feel . Your dreams can be used as a gateway by the Divine to send messages or signs that will help you fulfill your purpose even better. Seasoned Seer, Multi-Dimensional Medium, Shamanic Energy Practitioner, Munay-Ki Trainer, Life Coach, Spiritual Teacher. You are gentle by nature and exhibit nurturing energy. How Do Clairsentients, Empaths, And Mediums Serve Humanity? You exude a captivating and light aura that makes it easy for other people to be comfortable around you. Death doesnt invoke fear upon you, and you allow the flow of life without any attachment. People of this starseed type are known to be realists. If you're interested in learning more about Starseed Archetypes, here's what you can expect us to be talking about during this episode. Introverted. Ever since she was a little girl, Andie Andromeda Davis knew that there was more to this world than meets the eye. If you instinctively feel things about your body, and are able to diagnose conditions without a doctor or before a doctor comes to the same conclusion this is an ability possessed by a starseed. Hadarian starseeds come from the triple star system Beta Centauri. You are a highly sensitive soul and may experience depression, self-esteem issues, and anxiety when your chakras are not in harmony with one another. Have you ever heard of the saying that babies and pets will always know who the good people are? A starseed is a soul that has reincarnated on Earth. Most awakened Starseeds, Indigos, Lightworkers, Shamans, Healers, Psychics are aware that we are in a multi-dimensional timeline war to take back our planet during this Ascension cycle. Quiz Image. By knowing yourself and following the path thats most aligned with your truest self, you can contribute to the collective shift of the planet. Do you ever feel like you are so different from other people that you came from another planet? You have a natural affinity for quirky and unconventional stuff. You have a proclivity to seek validation from others. It is a first hand account of abduction and contact providing detailed information and illustrations of Galactic Star Races. They are here to shed light on the potential of everyone and recognize the good in all beings. With so many different races and star systems involved, it can be challenging to work out where your soul comes from. So, you know you're a Starseednow what? Many starseeds are unaware of their gifts. These brands might be associated with qualities like innocence, mystery, sophistication, and elegance. You have an ardent desire to inspire others through your professional or creative endeavors. You have a deep yearning to explore, in hopes that you will find the place where you would feel at home. Patients; Practitioner; 1-844-756-7333; Toggle navigation. The ideas and concepts around Starseeds come to us through channelers and seers who regularly connect with the Akashic records. No matter where youve come from and no matter who you are, you can open yourself to the expanded collective consciousness that pervades all matter and non-matter. Pleiadians are well-versed in esoteric wisdom and ancient knowledge and use this to advance their healing abilities, expand the collective consciousness and assist those searching for the truth. How the 7 Seals of Consciousness Can Tell You Who You Are. Chances are that you do not have just one Starseed origin because most do not. Thirty percent of humans reside in the Second Seal. She brings all these tools together and combines them with her natural psychic medium, clairvoyant and clairaudient gifts. You are a perfectionist who is highly critical of your own work and the work of others. The main task of Arcturians here on Earth is to innovate, accelerate development and usher the world towards a better future. You often feel homesick, not for your family home but for a place your soul once resided. You were born between the years 1950 and 1980. A Starseed might have the ancestry that points to expansion, but they may or may not have the intention to pursue their highest self. Each Starseed has their own syllabus and personal mission. You experience nightmares in which you are drowned in an apocalyptic flood and forced to retreat to Earth. You yearn to unbelong as much as you want to belong. 14. All stats and win-rates for decks are calculated using actual user game data. www.starchetypes.com. Each has an archetype but remember, not everybody fits neatly into little boxes, and you might identify with more than one of these types. Its to offer the idea that some, if not all, of our birth, imagined, and assumed identities could be illusions. Sirius was one of the first areas to be colonized by beings from the Lyran star group. You are an idealist who believes in the goodness inherent in all people. Feeling lost in your life. However, since you are born from the stars, you have to realize that your home is not the Earth. This is because you value depth when it comes to relationships. The older your soul, the more of these races you will identify with. You are inquisitive by nature and seek to uncover the truth no matter what. LYRA The general area of the birth of the humanoid race. Polarian Starseed physical traits You prefer stability over unpredictable and rapid changes. You are deeply connected to a higher plane of existence, the universe, and everything in it. 3. Key Traits: Control, Tyranny, Herd-Like Behavior. I'm Clarabel Sage, Starseed Soul Healer, Life Coach, and Meditation Teacher. You can also use your writing, art, or even social media to help others in their journey. You are introverted, analytic, and highly observant. Because Annunakis are also said to belong to the royal Reptilian bloodline, you can use your leadership skills to guide people towards a better world. You're sensitive, compassionate, and very spiritual in nature. Your you is a layer atop a beautiful, powerful, vibrant soul, and you have unlimited potential in any direction. The Orion Starseeds hail from the constellation of Orion, and they are the most competitive of all. You easily absorb things that are metaphysical. The whole idea of a Wanderer is that they "belong to the Universe" and not just to one planet and star race, they are "Nomads of the Galaxy", and incarnate on planets in need of help. Discover Your Native American Zodiac Sign, Lunar Aquarius Wants Us to Lead the Revolution, The Moon in Pisces Says Its Time for Manifestation, Hey Cancer, These Are Your Best and Worst Love Matches, How to Calculate Your Life Path Number Using Numerology, Hey Gemini, These Are Your Best And Worst Love Matches, Hey Taurus, These Are Your Absolute Best and Worst Love Matches, These Celebs Are All Aries and it Makes SO MUCH SENSE, Taurus Is Teasing, Temperamental, and Tenacious. Physical attributes are not consistent along these lines and have little meaning when it comes to our spiritual evolution and awakening. But nobody can tell you which one is more important. 7 Ways to Work With Archetypes. Your mission is to simply heal your past wounds and be the best version of yourself. Is this an illusion? They've come from higher realms in order to help heal and bring balance to our planet, but they're often misunderstood because their spirit energy is very different than that of earthlings. You have a strong sense of duty in your career. The term consciousness is frequently heard these days, with everyone from spiritual leaders to yoga teachers to healing practitioners talking about the need to raise your consciousness. Do you even know what consciousness means? We use cookies and similar technologies to run this website and help us make recommendations for you. It doesnt necessarily mean that it was the first place that your spirit existed. A star seed soul who has had at least a 1,000 life times is an original starseed. Maldekian incarnates here to prevent the human race from making the same mistakes they did and to guide them towards a new Earth. A word of caution for starseeds: remember that being kind and being a pushover are two different things. The Miser creates wealth by hoarding money and emotions at the expense of others, and refusing to share them. You enjoy the rush of the novelty and dont like getting anchored to a place or a person. Are You a Sirian Starseed? You are beyond this world. Lightworkers are a rare type of starseeds who are prophesied by many ancient sacred texts to transmute darkness into light. Lets dive right in! Some are here to serve as a beacon of light, love, and wisdom, some are here to break down outdated systems and structures, some are here to bring joy, some are here to awaken other starseeds, some are here for karmic reasons, and some are here to simply be. It's likely you have multiple lineages, so more than one of these . The news may stress you out more than other people. They are often time called our Guardian Founder race. You trust that everything works out the way its supposed to. Starseed aims to slightly twist the peaceful, calming farm sim archetype. You are impulsive and rely on your intuition to guide you. All humanoid races in our galactic family have genetic roots connected to Lyra. Forty percent of humans reside in the First Seal. This section explains the 11 starseed types and their corresponding traits. How Energy Healing Works to Restore Physical Wellness. You are brimming with sacred wisdom and knowledge. info_outline Illumination Phases, Reloaded 05/05/2022 info_outline . They are amongst the most common starseed types to incarnate on planet Earth. Write down which traits you have and which starseed types resonate. You are drawn to lost and ancient civilizations. 1. Starseeds might also have been birthed through inter-consciousness conception, virgin births, akin to the stories about Jesus. This includes your own thoughts/emotions and the energies of people and things around you. You are drawn towards the pursuit of artistic and spiritual endeavors, such as writing, composing music, or becoming a spiritual teacher. Plus you can download videos to your device to watch offline later. No matter how much you try to say no, you just have this inner desire to serve other people. If you always have had the ability to excel faster than others, and are most often the leader in situations, these are the characteristics of a starseed. Pleiadian starseeds are nurturing and loving souls that originated from Pleiades, an alluring open star cluster also known as The Seven Sisters and Messier 45 visible by the naked eye in the Taurus constellation. In the end, though, the things you are calling might distract you from the expansion you seek. Wed like to share with you our knowledge of the Seven Seals of Consciousness. You can easily pick up on other peoples moods, thoughts, and emotions. You may have a quiet sense that you came from somewhere beyond this planet, and can imagine your physical appearance from prior lives, in other worlds. It's time to step into your multidimensional power. They possess great wisdom and a distinctive core of love and compassion that enables them to raise the vibration of every place and person they come in contact with. If ever youve looked up at the night sky and felt a connection with a bright planet or glowing cluster of stars, you might be feeling your souls connection to a past or future life. They feel like they are always the odd ones out. Several Arcturians are spiritual awakeners and healers who can access the metaphysical realm. You take pleasure in watching your loved ones succeed and be happy. They understand that they have a role to play and lessons to be learned in this scene, yet they dont attach themselves to these roles and simply jive with the grand cosmic dance. You have a propensity to overanalyze your interactions with other people. Feeling like you don't belong on Earth. No starseed can ever deny the fact that they strongly feel for others. You always question life - the abstractness of it all. You have mastered astral projection and manifestation. Starseeds are highly evolved souls that originated from different planets, solar systems, stars or galaxies and were sent to Earth to help increase knowledge and wisdom to bring about an elevation of consciousness on the planet. You are endowed with a variety of skills, abilities, and wisdom that you can tap into whenever youre ready for it. When you piece that together in an equation, it looks something like: 10,000,000,000 X 100,000,000,000 = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 STARS! Experiencing family death, bullying, losing a job, getting into major debt etc can all trigger Starseeds to awaken and remember more about who they truly are. Susan was born with spiritual gifts and is a master of many metaphysical techniques. Most humans like to think that they are of very high consciousness, or at a minimum, that they are of far higher consciousness than most other people. My life was broken into so many pieces, and just when I thought lightning couldnt strike three times in one place, it did: Ready to Connect With Your Cosmic Wisdom? You have a strong desire to travel the world and gain new experiences. If you have a natural inclination to relate to the struggles of others and work for fairness, justice and liberty this is because you are a natural starseed. 2. You have mastered the art of storytelling. Questions? Whether theyre based in truth or not, we love our temporary self-identities: the personality constructs with which we build our personas, relationships, and lives. Every soul is pursuing knowledge, experience, or expansion, on some level. Consciousness is thought. If youre still wondering what is a starseed like, remember all the times you have helped other people. Act child-like, innocent, but not childish. You always question life the abstractness of it all. Some of the possible meanings of an Osiris archetype involve individuation, Self transformation, and . We designed the Starseed System 2.0 to simplify the dialogue around strength and dosage of cannabis by categorizing products by cannabinoid levels. There is a large variety of consciousness types that incarnate in this system. You know when to commit fully and when to simply let things go. You have an unlimited reservoir of love within you, and you have no qualms about sharing it with everyone you come into contact with. You perceive the world the way it should be. While that number is massive, imagine the billions of realms and planets that are hidden from view. You are assertive, confident, and domineering. A link to reset your password has been sent to you. As amorphous, traveling souls, we not only have this planet to consider, but many others throughout the billions of galaxies, realms, and universes, and within many continuums of spacetime. Now that you know what is a starseed, the next step is to find out if you are one of them. People of this starseed type are know to be charismatic and adventurous. It's a little meaningless in that sense. Mage Cards Oracles: cartomancy / esoteric archetypes / divination CoreMagik 5 out of 5 stars (89) $ 49.99. This can be very educational as you can see which areas of your life you are most connected with. Take this Starseed quiz to determine which planet you reincarnated on earth from. You should meditate on each of the different Starseed types and try to understand them on an energetic level. Venusian starseeds, also known as The Hathors, are intrinsically associated with the ancient Egyptian cow-goddess Hathor. In our last article we shared that YOU are the only one who can raise your consciousness you cant rely on anyone else to do that for you. Saoirse Clare is an energetic mentor for Starseeds, creator of the Starchetype System, and author of the book " Starseed Archetypes: The Ultimate Guide." Her mission is to help Staseeds understand their journey a little more clearly through coaching, podcasting, and teaching the new paradigm of the Starchetype activations. You have an unquenchable appetite for mystical, metaphysical and magical knowledge. Most of these types of sorcerers are goodly beings . The main traits of Arcturian starseeds are listed below. You are not afraid of making life-altering decisions in pursuit of the truth. They should be naturally drawn to you. But how do you know this for sure? #1 Sirian. Sirius embodied the energy of the triadic template and perpetuated the drive toward integration. You can use that to find a more fulfilling path than the one that you are currently on or, it could reinforce that what you are already doing is the right path for you. Here are the 10 most common starseed races and their main characteristics: Orion Starseeds. to manipulate human societies, cultures, and human development. While much of this information is relatively easy to channel and comprehend, there are several perspectives on how Starseeds come to Earth and the many types of Starseeds. Starseeds have psychic abilities. As scientists have long been saying, we are all made of stardust. Chances are that you do not have just one Starseed origin because most do not. Why? The Lemurian and Atlantean races are ancient and super-advanced civilizations that relocated underground millions of years ago to preserve their culture and treasures. Let us know in the comments below! Orion starseeds come from a variety of planets and stars within the Orion constellation. They are very balanced and identify strongly with the heart chakra. Live it as if you are here, in the now. Its had a positive impact on opening hearts and minds in the collective field of human awakening. You give your best in everything that you do. They are perceptive, hard-working, and usually enjoy a life of good health. Youve had recurring dreams and visions of the Ouroboros symbol. They excel in sports, medicine, and other fields that require a talent for the material. There is this overarching emotion that they do not vibe with everyone. But to put it simply, you have a more special place in your heart for a few people. Starseeds Are Rising! You feel like youve seen everything, like youve lived a few other lifetimes. Starseeds can be machinists, teachers, dancers, artists, politicians, or frustrated stock analysts, as well as depressed, joyful, wild, contained, limited, or expansive, just like the rest of us. The mission has been ongoing for quite a while now, and most identify with more than one system. You may well have originally been an Andromedan Starseed who found that the Sirians had a better way of being (according to your unique soulprint).
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