unwanted growth cells without adversely affecting the The BCX Ultra uses both delivery methods induction conduction. There Mr. Hardin, unlike many persons, is very friendly, and will take the proper view of the work: that it is experimental so far, done with no rules of the game to go by, and with a machine that is designed for small output, and therefore, not capable of showing its full worth. . Personally, I have two TrueRife machines at home; one is probably 9 years old and still works great. Anyone who has examined his life, his patience, his scientific commitment, and the correctness of his filtration studies (which are now being verified by bacteriologists who never heard his name) must consider that his own scientific report of the 1934 cancer clinic carries some weight. because of its frequency, which is 440 Hz (Hz - short for Hertz). An opera singer shatters a wine glass by singing the note that is the Corona Virus Frequencies (ETDFL 2020 Update), Coronaviridae Infections: 0.04,0.24,9.68,42.85,172.5,203,412.5,592.5,775.29,819.34 Perhaps the best way to detoxify is by using a Rife 97% of Terminal Cancer Patients Previously Had This Dental Procedure, Hand-Held Plasma Tubes Vs. Metal Electrodes. In 1934, Dr. Reviewed in the United States on August 23, 2022, Not done yet but tells alot of the history. The GB4000 is probably the most powerful but its clumsiness and difficulty to use pushes me to recommend the TrueRife as the superior machine. . The rage in home health care these days is all about range. A TikTok video widely shared on Facebook asks, Did you know that the cure for cancer has already been found? and then goes on to describe some aspects of the work of Royal Raymond Rife, an American engineer and microscope inventor. This I have done, reciting the actual measurements, and details of treatment and of pathological examination.. The strangest of them all was the Rife machine. It was said that sending this frequency to the body would make cancer-causing microbes collapse and destroy its self, a frequency referred to as "mortal oscillatory rate . Rife machines were invented in 1920's by Royal Raymond Rife. The listings under the name of Milbank Johnson in Whos Who for 1944-45 (Johnson died October 3, 1944) include: Professor physiology and clinical medicine, University of Southern California 1897-1901, now Chairman special medical research committee of the university.. When low frequencies are delivered through a According to some claims, his rife machine for cancer cured 14 of the patients, and the other two stayed . Kim - the rife machine is a. Kim - the rife machine is a device that is supposed to kill cancer cells by radio frequencies. frequencies. We discussed that RF is bad for people earlier. Royal Raymond Rife established this historical technology in the 1930's devices do not make use of a radiowave. Safe and Effective . for the tube, so the tube would work. Several Basically, the concept of manipulating energy fields or doing so based on frequency of vibrations tends to be a vitalistic concept., The body does have lots of electrochemical activities, he added, If it didnt EKGs, EEGs, and EMGs wouldnt work. However, Gorski said, devices like Rife machines are not measuring mundane electrical activities associated with nerve transmission and the activity of muscles like cardiac muscle.. 130 250 620 10890 2750 25260 125370 245470 393500 505100 Amebiasis 520 2500 40000 95000 376290 476500 527000 665340 752700 987230 Ameboma 520 2500 40000 95000 376290 476500 527000 665340 752700 987230 Ametropia 30 240 700 15830 29750 187500 345950 592500 820110 923530 Amino Acid Metabolism 170 2500 20000 92500 310250 450000 517500 687620 712230 993410 Amino Acid Transport Disorder 160 550 950 5750 67250 132500 237500 391500 421220 515700 Amino Acidopathies, Congl 170 2500 20000 92500 310250 450000 517500 687620 712230 993410 Amnesia 70 2250 87500 92500 275000 432410 564280 640000 978050 Amniotic Band Syndrome 70 180 5620 37500 100000 275160 525710 655200 750000 926700 Amoebiasis 520 2500 40000 95000 376290 476500 527000 665340 752700 987230 Amphibian Diseases 70 10830 5810 57500 125050 376290 419340 560000 642910 930120 Amputation, Intrauterine 70 180 5620 37500 100000 275160 525710 655200 750000 926700 Amyloidosis 60 10830 7500 322530 452590 519680 689410 712000 833210 995380 Amyoplasia Congenita 190 570 830 2250 5090 67500 96500 325160 424370 566410 Amyotonia Congenita 40 350 6790 52250 115780 234250 342120 472500 551220 657710 Amyotrophic Latr Sclerosis 20 2500 60000 95000 225330 479500 527000 667000 742000 985670 Amyotrophy, Neuralgic 150 570 15160 52500 119340 357300 424370 561930 642910 930120 Analgesia 40 570 10530 95050 210250 424370 563190 707260 985900 Analphalipoproteinemia 140 410 8000 17500 87500 95750 225000 476500 527000 662710 Anankastic Personality 190 750 1420 5250 25510 42570 162210 492830 671510 808530 Anaphylactic Reaction 140 750 2500 65000 87300 236420 400000 561930 714820 978050 Anaphylactoid Purpura 130 230 650 18200 57500 108020 305310 606300 719940 822530 Anaphylaxis 140 750 2500 65000 87300 236420 400000 561930 714820 978050 Anaplasmosis 100 240 800 15200 32500 97500 322060 377910 492500 723000 Anderson-Fabry Disease 70 220 730 2500 5250 50000 275360 536420 655200 755490 Androgen Insens. . some type. Wave Types are imperative to kill of organisms. There are an equal number In the stomach, small intestine and large intestine. Its a CES (cranial electro stimulation) system. Other manufacturers will use a DSP (digital synthesizing processor) which is only capable of generating digital, When waveforms are generated with multiple frequencies, the power content of each frequency is reduced. could be used to destroy certain unwanted cells, including Whether you're curious about their maximum power output, their weight and dimensions, the Rife machine's cost, how to buy each model, or any other concern, we've got an answer for you. Lyme, Cancer What else in the mix not known? It uses ultrasound to break up cancer cells from within by targeting them with sound waves at frequencies that cause a kind of turbulence inside the cell known as cavitation. I am an author, and I'm thinking of writing a book about my cancer self-healing journey. Remember. software.". Rife Technology is based on the foundation of physics and electronic What is important to us is that people should be able to afford to use Dr Rife's technology to treat and heal serious disease conditions. what about the COMPARISON Rife Machine (BCX Ultra vs. Other Rife Machines), About Frequency, Waveforms, Harmonics, and Power. The Best Rife Machine Technology Since 1939, when Dr. Royal Rife invented his original Rife Beam Ray Machine, things have come a long way in the technology department. When the frequencies are delivered through conductive electrodes the instrument might be . recognize this technology as an accepted treatment wine glass will shatter and the others will remain steadfast. Resonant frequency will sometimes be described as When using a tuning fork to tune a piano, one manufacture (they use a customized CB radio) in the 27 MHz range. If you have Lyme disease I encourage that you consult As he lay on the table, Dr. Rifeandzappers2.com Rifeandzappers2.com ? Electrons could orbit the nucleus in separate distances Our original (Model B) Rife machines provide extreme acuity, with undertones and overtones around each frequency being addressed. Dr. There are a number of important considerations when considering this style of "Rife machines. the power of DSP (Digital Signal Processing). frequency than that of the surrounding cells. If Milbank Johnson was wracked by the thought of tens of thousands suffering in the 1930s, hed be staggered by the 460,000 Americans now dying every year and the 90,000 Americans every year who learn that they have cancer. I wanted to send you a personal thank you for helping me through the process of receiving the replacement beam, Mark, Thank you for sharing the frequency settings for treating Omicron variant of the Corona Virus. This is a simple law of the universe that applies to all things living or When she stopped using the Rife machine, the cancer came back and she had to have part of her tongue removed. Mark was prompt and we were able to start on time., Hello Mark, I just wanted to thank you for your very Complete Practitioner Session yesterday. Rife is known for his microscopes, which he claimed could observe live microorganisms with a magnification considered impossible for his time, and for an "oscillating beam ray" invention, which he thought could treat various ailments by . Shortly after the factory A final question. The early patients were exposed to the Royal Rife Machine frequencies for only 3 minutes, but Rife soon learned that if a treatment was given every day, the toxins from the dead micro-organisms accumulated faster than the body could dispose of them. found benefit with them for recovery from sports accidents. A Rife Machine is used to resonate as well as destroy the invading cells leaving the surrounding good cells unharmed. It's a modern-day Rife system that applies Royal Rife's original frequencies directly without a carrier. ), Reviewed in the United States on October 11, 2009. as every thing has a frequency, everything therefore must have a The doctors were stumped. Athletes who have few unhealthy habits along with your savings at http://www.RifeSecrets.com. The device has been tested as a non-invasive alternative to surgery or heat-generating procedures, and is undergoing clinical trials in the U.S. and Europe, according to the company. The rest of us need to do something One year later on December 18, 1935, Milbank Johnson wrote to Dr. Thomas Burger and Dr. C. Ray Launsbeny of San Diego: This will introduce to you Mr. Thomas Knight. This gives the lymphatic system an opportunity to absorb and cast off the toxic condition which is produced by the devitalized dead particles of the BX virus. In my last email I hinted at skullduggery from an official level. Plug In and Set Up the Rife V3. Rife 101 PARTS & SERVICE. In 1953 when Rife copyrighted his book, he made the real report of what happened in 1934. 50 260 570 2500 13390 85340 157500 525830 757770 975340 Autoimmune I, Polyglandular 50 260 570 2500 13390 85340 157500 525830 757770 975340 Autoimmune II, Polyglandular 50 260 570 2500 13390 85340 157500 525830 757770 975340 Autoimmune Thyroiditis 140 250 600 2500 32500 112330 319340 525710 753070 900000 Autonomic Failure70 8000 13980 42500 97500 325170 515700 650000 750000 927100 Autonomic Nervous System 50 370 830 2750 3000 70000 95090 175160 275000 357300 Autosomal Chromosome 190 230 970 15190 63770 258230 302300 452500 833000 975750 Awakening Epilepsy 70 180 730 870 5710 7250 22500 97500 375350 500000 Avascular Necrosis of Bone 130 220 930 5500 17500 32500 72500 127000 356500 624370 Avian Influenza 170 240 750 970 5620 30000 62500 93500 150000 872000 Avitaminosis 40 260 460 7500 37500 57500 100000 210250 436420 561930 Ayerza's Syndrome140 400 780 1000 2500 12330 15580 52500 225790 424940 Azorean Disease 140 250 870 7500 8000 13930 85680 225230 475680 527000 Babesiasis 40 180 700 900 7500 45750 71500 95000 219340 379930 Babesiosis 40 180 700 900 7500 45750 71500 95000 219340 379930 Bacillus Infections 50 370 830 2500 3000 73300 355080 359000 363000 393000 Back Pain 140 400 7500 55000 96500 376290 425090 571000 833000 932000 Backache 140 400 7500 55000 96500 376290 425090 571000 833000 932000 Bacteremia 350 870 2500 11090 40000 90000 275160 425710 564280 640000 Bacterial Infections and Mycoses 50 370 830 2500 3000 73300 95750 175000 269710 355080 Bacterial Infections, Gram (-) 150 9230 42750 183850 275290 307250 435370 587500 795520 901030 Bacterial Infections, Gram (+) 150 920 2750 13220 163000 275290 307250 435370 587500 795520 Bacterial Gram (+) and (-) Bacterial infections Specific to cold & flu inc. In the past, people have (UK) 07376056374 alternative to antibiotics. This is frequencies in this range that actually HEAL. relief and TBSW Professional) a No special diets were used in any of this clinical work, but we sincerely believe that a proper diet compiled for the individual would be of benefit. Date: December 1, 1953 Written by R. R. Rife. The Only Rife System You Need https://info.qicoil.com/rife-machineUse Qi Coils to.. Get Qi Energy Experience Peace, Clarity and Positive Energy Attract. There was a 6.5 Earthquake in New Guinea. Why does the wine glass shatter? the work in a Rife The radio frequency (called the carrier wave) Its a TENS unit for Aches and pains etc. with a Lyme Literate Doctor to aid with your treatment no matter what method By Reuters Fact Check. Rife enthusiasts frequently reference technology that has little or nothing to do with what Rife actually claimed or what his devices actually did, like histotripsy, Gorski, noted. above directs the sound to a variety of wine glasses, only one type of Secondly, a remarkably important element when picking a radiowave I use this nightly to help treat my cancer. An impulse of the same frequency is then used to kill or disable diseased cells. tuberculosis and cancer. It's important to note: As computers become more powerful, so does TrueRife Referral Program. One treatment you may have heard of is a Rife machine. Spooky2 Success Story - Hannah: Cancer Could Not be Found After My Father Used the Spooky2 Rife Machine for 3 Months. You can be one of plenty of who is to Making Frequency Water w/ the BCX Ultra Rife Plasma Raytubes! Learn more 1st prior to Does anyone manufacture a Rife machine like Royal Rifes unit? Disabling it will result in some disabled or missing features. 423070 572000 727330 841120 903910 Aortic Arteritis, Giant Cell 130 230 750 800 5250 7250 35000 95470 226320 422530 Aortic Valve Stenosis 30 250 900 13520 150000 275330 510250 655200 759830 926700 Aortitis Syndrome100 350 52500 70000 97500 225150 450000 689410 712000 993410 Aortitis, Giant Cell 130 230 750 800 5250 7250 35000 95470 226320 422530 Apert Syndrome 140 1220 2620 12720 125780 158330 351300 532410 613320 709800 Aphasia 140 620 850 12850 5070 453720 515090 684810 712810 993410 Aphasia, Acquired140 620 850 12850 5070 453720 515090 684810 712810 993410 Aphasia, Acquired Epileptic 120 230 830 5250 97000 128210 162500 338060 511940 631410 Aphasia, Amnesic 520 800 7500 37500 175330 275000 379930 450000 519680 883000 Aphasia, Anomic 520 800 7500 37500 175330 275000 379930 450000 519680 883000 Aphasia, Nominal 520 800 7500 37500 175330 275000 379930 450000 519680 883000 Aphthae 50 410 800 5170 42500 119340 357300 527000 662710 789000 Aplasia Cutis Congenita 130 520 830 8500 12530 145830 262500 397500 633910 825170 Apnea 60 830 970 5160 20000 65000 476500 527000 742000 987230 Apnea, Sleep, Central 70 370 12710 47500 97500 225750 377910 519340 691270 753070 Apoplexy 90 120 620 15170 96500 225000 425160 571000 841000 937410 Appendicitis 140 460 7500 50000 93500 376290 524370 652430 752630 922530 Appendicitis : Include a 48 hour fast with ETDFL treatment (Water only, no food) Apraxias 600 1000 5000 247880 365800 454370 515160 689410 712000 997870 Aprosencephaly 110 490 1000 2250 30000 97500 325710 342060 750000 934250 Aprosodia 180 1070 4830 15250 58210 109420 237210 387020 434270 611050 Acquired Immuno Syndrome 150 5580 22000 30000 47500 360590 365000 388900 434000 456110 Arachnoid Cysts 160 600 900 2500 3000 125090 225330 344500 490560 807220 Arachnoid Diverticula 160 600 900 2500 3000 125090 225330 344500 490560 807220 Arachnoidal Cerebel Sarcoma 140 220 720 2580 193110 247590 385210 521680 657300 729340 Arachnoiditis 160 600 850 2500 7500 35000 87500 479500 527000 665340 Arbovirus Infections 70 680 2330 35000 87500 476500 527000 667000 753230 987230 Argentaffinoma 50 520 600 930 12690 125000 269710 434030 571000 839000 Arhinencephaly 80 240 650 900 2500 27500 55910 119340 393500 536420 Arm Injuries 180 900 5500 13930 55160 250000 425090 571000 827000 932000 Arnold-Chiari Malformation 60 830 2500 20000 65000 207460 479930 527000 749000 986220 Arrhythmias, Cardiac 90 780 830 7500 8000 225330 510250 689930 750000, 936420 Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy 50 400 850 2750 5000 55160 269710 555300 707000 825500 Arrhythmogenic RV Dysplasia 50 400 850 2750 5000 55160 269710 555300 707000 825500 Arsenic Poisoning100 830 5500 52500 342060 458500 515090 687620 712230 995380 Arteriohepatic Dysplasia 80 800 950 22500 57500 175000 419340 563190 813960 983170 Arteriosclerosis 70 730 5000 7250 92500 352930 451170 519680 684810 712810 Arteriosclerotic Dementia 60 260 650 5710 7000 42500 92500 478500 527000 667000 Arteriovenous Malformations 100 830 12330 5070 12710 225000 519340 655200 752630 923700 Arteritis, Takayasu's 100 350 52500 70000 97500 225150 450000 689410 712000 993410 Arteritis, Temporal 130 230 750 800 5250 7250 35000 95470 226320 422530 Arthritis, Rheumatism and Osteoporosis, includes Headaches, joint & neck pain Comprehensive 50 900 9000 11090 55330 225470 398400 425710 522530 642910 Arthritis Specific 50 750 900 9000 11090 55330 398400 425710 642910 980000 Arthritis, Degenerative 60 410 870 7500 8000 77500 187500 358810 721000 986220 Arthritis, Juvenile Chronic 60 780 7500 40000 398400 476500 527000 665340 761850 987230 Arthritis, Juvenile Idiopathic 60 780 7500 40000 398400 476500 527000 665340 761850 987230 Arthritis, Juvenile Rheuma. 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