They think coffee is something we will buy no matter how high the price is. Have any of you shined a light in the canister of coffee? I feel awful after drinking this coffee. I had a feeling it may be this so I switched brands. If that wasn't bad enough, we find out that the brand/roast that we have loved for so long has now been discontinued. Sorry, it's just that BAD! After reading these posts I am returning the three unopened cans I currently have and will switch to a Martinson brand I have in the pantry. Such as the Houston-based company. Well,I've had 2 cans since October.I thought the first can was just bad or something. I don't remember MH being especially great but it was drinkable. We now think it had all been pulled from the shelf for some reason and we just happened to find one they missed. The last few days Ive been drinking Maxwell House, but not anymore. MAXWELL HOUSE. The old one you could put your fingers through the handle and that made it soooooo much easier to hold. And if you are old enough to remember the REAL smell of coffee, it is obvious that coffee has changed tremendously. I would like to know if anyone here has found anything comparable to the way Master Blend used to taste? and had been drinking more expensive coffee the last 2 years in it's place. Makes up to 270 6 fl oz cups. i have been drinking coffee for years. It's been ground and put into a non-tight can to spoil. We thought it was the coffee pot. Thanks for the info. I have been using the coffee for some 40 years but only changed to the decaf over the last 15 years. I was concerned that the cans I have stated 100% coffee. Simply this: I agree. there was no odor of coffee at all. The last couple years I've been having issues with nausea, diarrhea and headaches. Someone send a health inspector to MH's filthy factory. Flame retardant? Almost instant diarrhea. By the way, I have encountered both plastic and aluminum cans, and have had the same puzzling experience: Your comments here have confirmed what I thought. We have used MH (ground in large tins) for years. My last two purchases have upset me greatly. MH Original Roast is one of them. I only been drinking it 2 years from the first month headache came. Lately, I have been buying New England Coffee Breakfast Blend and I like it so much I buy 4 bags at a time now. can of coffee? Both are made with 100% Arabica beans and have a smooth, full-bodied taste. Then a Miletta Hazelnut can showed up with the same characteristics. With all the warnings of aspartame why is your company still using it. ITS not my favorite. My Maxwell House is going in the garbage. I usually use Chock full of Niuts ,Starbucks Dunkin. I actually have a sensitive stomach and can not drink Dunkins , or any other kind. I have been drinking Kroger brand coffee for ages. I have done research and found that many coffee drinkers have associated their same symptoms to the Maxwell House coffee! Saturday night sick all night throwing up for hours. Has anyone else found bugs in theirs? Tried Maxwell House a few weeks ago and started getting daily long term headaches. This leaves some residue. I thought it was just the batch. I ended up doing a google search only to discover this page and find that its not only me. To whom it may concern AKA everyone who's ever consumed this product or made revenues off it - we recently had genuine concerns about the contents on 3 different occasions/purchase locations where we find ourselves with extreme headaches after consuming the maxwell house coffee. After a few incidents I stopped drinking Folgers, until recently. I also had bowl of honey bunches of oats, some milk, and a glass of orange juice. I will be forced to discontinue your product because I care more about my health! One of the fillers might be corn grain, also other grains and Chicory. The reason I post my comments is that, I too have been feeling nauseous lately and the taste of the MH coffee is acrid and I have now switched to grinding my own beans and now drink tea on occasion instead of MH. we are now reluctant members of the 'what the hell happened to MH coffee' group, ha! Folgers or Maxwell House Coffee? I then felt out of it like my equilibrium was off, even blurred vision, periods of fatigue , Then sat on the toilet for a long time I thought I must of had a bug .Drank a cup the next morning and started the same thing I new it was the coffee .Was on the toilet 3 times that day with headache I went and bought Starbucks and felt great again . Whom is gonna start the class action up. I'm sensitive to artificial flavoring and sweeteners. I threw away my last can of coffee thinking it was bad. I feel fine before drinking it. Folgers Vs Maxwell House Coffee: Which Is Better & Why? If not you can order from most all & manny offer coffee subscriptions. I've drank Maxwell House coffee for years.. it's not until recently that I've suspected it to be the cause of my constant muscle tightness and back spasms. I had originallythought there was something wrong with the water filtration, so the next day I tried using bottled water, but same result. Plus possibly coffee prices were going to explode (maybe all due to marketing), something else their buyers know prior. I Have been using MH French Roast coffee for many years and the last 3 cans of coffee has delivered a bitter taste. How Long is Roasted Coffee Considered Fresh? Last night I go the coffee isle to buy more coffee, and what do I find? What are they using formaldihyde? I personally like to switch things up a bit; change brands, blends, beans, ground, etc. Cloying raw nut and vaguely spicy wood dominate in both aroma and cup, with some suggestions of roasted cacao nib and raisin. Maxwell House and several other brands used to be 100% Arabica. The third day, I went back to what I normally drank Nestle and everything was fine, no side effects at all. After overcoming my addiction and waiting nearly 2 years, I decided that I'd try it again. I have noticed over the last couple weeks of drinking maxwell house coffee half half that I have headaches, throbbing head, fatigue, migraines, confusion and depression. Safeway has been putting Maxwell House 925g cans on sale. By 10:10 I had to close my eyes and try to sleep. The last few cans we purchased have been terrible. It's been 3 hours now and the most I can do is laying down and trying to make the room hold still. It was great to drink coffee again! I figured my magnesium level was low butt Out still happens even when taking magnesium supplements. I went back to Walmart house brand of coffee and it was good. Why could they not have just raised their price---i would have gladly paid more for what was so good. !Unbelievable but true! That night I had the worst stomach cramps of my life couldn't even sleep it was like the most sour stomach you could imagine with indigestion and growling stomach. Maxwell House Rep The woman that answered wasnt interested in what was wrong could answer no questions And had to be prompted to answer anything. using last jar of maxwell house instant. Stopped drinking Maxwell House Coffee & it went away. Mh have since giving me stomach pain each time i drink it. After ruling out everything else it IS the coffee. Good luck!! I was wondering what happened to that great smell and taste. I just bought some and after it wouldn't melt on a hamburger I had to double check that I didn't buy some cheap imitation cheese by mistake. Today I got a can of Maxwell house and it plugged 2 different coffee makers. I also thought it was just me. We were using MH ground original for a short and I was having the worst stomach issuer and the coffee was awful,like drinking chemicals. OK . they don't have everything, but i do buy a few things there since their prices are quite low. If i drink either or I am in the bathroom with horrible runs, and a trash can in front of me throwing up before I even drink half a cup of it. Maxwell house wake up roast gluten free by: Anonymous Maxwell house wake up roast lists "100% coffee" ingredients but does not show that there are added flavorings which obviously contain gluten. Even off brands. I'm not looking for anything to benefit from but they need to solve the problem. I just got a big can of Maxwell original roast since it was on sale. I no longer buy MH (or Folgers)---I get my coffee from a local roaster, no turning back. I retested this again eliminating Maxwell House and staring it up again. They claim "we don't have any records of this product having been reformulated recently". I didn't relate it to the coffee right away but did notice that the coffee now had an unusual scent. I have medicated myself with over the counter products, however the pain would go away for a little while but then suddenly return. So, I contacted the store and manufacturer for them to investigate. Maxwell house is what I am drinking. We sampled Caribou Coffee, Dunkin' Donuts, Eight O'Clock, Folgers, Maxwell House, Peet's Coffee and Starbucks medium roast coffees, and opted to choose our top three (though we knew it would be difficult). One 8 oz. I've had my weekly overflows as its brewing if I dont stand there to catch it, oily film and bitter brews occasionally. Awful. Just went to make coffee, been drinking foldgers for yrs and as I was scooping there was a brown stained piece of wood approximately 1 in in the grinds that resembled Coffee color . We stopped drinking MH for a week & the symptoms stopped. This stuff should be renamed Turbo Laxative ! We are off to another brand not to return. Two years ago I presented with horrid sulfur burps followed by literally peeing out of my rear, Van Wilder style. I thought I was having an anxiety attack or something. Terrible after taste and there is definitely something in it but can't put my finger on it, yet. Nor are companies required to report their exact caffeine content, so it can vary between different blends. The bottom line is that both Maxwell and Folgers coffee has gained a lot of popularity over the years. at first i was blaming him for making it wrong so he said 'do it yourself then.' None of the three smell like coffee to me. Similarly, Maxwell House master blend's caffeine content is approximately 100 to 160 milligrams in each 2 tablespoons of grounds, or 12 fluid ounces. This makes a smooth cup of coffee and has a deliciously sweet aroma. My mother & I have faithfully drank Maxwell House Original for years! Smooth, mild, old-fashioned taste! So, there is probably some issue with the beans that were used in that lot. There are so many other symptoms of past, I am now putting together with this whole coffee thing back when I was brewing the Starbuck's, Peet's etc. the past 2 days i have had violent 'runs' for most of the day..suddenly realized that it coincided with when i switched to the 'Wake Up' M/H coffeeso sad..have been a loyal M/H customer for 40 years.. Another visitor from the land of google. So I decided to just suck it up and drink it. It also serves as an excellent foil for a bit of fat, if you like your coffee bulletproof. I was later diagnosed with Helicobacter pylori. For the past couple weeks I've been getting very very ill. Just realized it's the coffee. I had been drinking coffee for months with no problems until I bought some Folgers Coffee on sale. Let's make it happen!! While the grounds were drying, I noticed some of the ground were blueish green. I thought maybe my body was just overly sensitive for some reason. I really have never cared for Maxwell House coffee..I've used Folgers for years and have not noticed any change in taste. I will, however, exercise caution and use my best judgement. So, lets find out which is truly the better coffee brand of the two and why? The reason I was searching was to find out if retailers will put 'bad batches' of coffee on sale in cahoots with Maxwell House (like, a fair warning from maxwell house, "please sell this batch for half price because the quality is low"). Maxwell House. I thought I had developed gerd or cancer had already set in. Coffee container & cereal box reductions saving pennies a box and MILLIONS overall at our expense. I changed back to folgers coffee. Taste of course also varies per nose? I've been using MAX HOUSE for the last 10 years and had never had a bad taste like it has now and also have been experiencing headaches. To give it a fair shake I tried again a second day. Wondered why I havent enjoyed my coffee in weeks? I recently changed the brand of my coffee;I consume about 2 cups every morning before work to get some energy,but,since I changed the brands,I noticed that I feel unusually sleepy,sluggish and tired,to the point that I feel a need to take a nap immediately.I realized that it the new brand of coffee that I am using,that is causing these unusual symptoms.Coffee bean has an outer core and a center,manufactures mostly use the outer part of the coffee bean,that contains caffeine,whereas the center contains theobromine,which has sedative properties if consumed in sufficient amounts.It is much cheaper for the manufacturer to use the center part of the coffee bean and to market outer layer as more expensive ground coffee.This explains why some cheap coffee brands makes you feel drowsy 15 mins after consumption,once the small amount of caffeine wears off and theobromine kicks in.Buy high quality coffee and it will solve your problem with sleepinees after coffee consumption! I told my boss that we deserve a better coffee. It gave me fatigue. it sounds ridiculous that someone would go to great lengths as we have trying to adjust the amounts, add more grounds, reduce grounds, filter water, we even purchased a new coffee maker. I switched over to Maxwell House coffee two days ago- I've had headaches ever since- and I generally do not have headaches. It was definitely that latte mix. I bought Folgers Coffee because it went on sale. Since I've dropped Folgers I've consumed 1 cup at my Dad's and, POOF, 30 minutes later, acne. I switched from Nescafe to Maxwell House 3 in 1 sachets and developed an extremely painful skin rash, migraines and tiredness. The quality was consistent from tin to tin. I have been a Maxwell House drinker for many years and will continue to do so. Even when you first open it, it does not have the same great "fresh coffee" smell in the container. It was the coffee ! Time to find a new brand. it s not bitter like dollar store mexican coffee. And it was delicious. Keep doing what you're doing MH! The first day of this hell vomiting as well I have ruled out every other single thing in my diet to the coffee. Bad idea. Its not just MH it's folgers as well, noticed about a week ago my coffee was not tasting the same, subsequently got another can thinking i may have gotten a bad batch (?) Thanks Ted, I thought I was the only one. On the weekends I brew Maxwell Master Blend. MH has changed the quality of their product. Seems to cause anxiety with me, been a few weeks and finally figured its the coffee, its probably from pesticide. They say that the flavor isn't dull, and they are fine with drinking it. recently i have been running to the bathroom after drinking my coffee in the morning which is folgers i never thought about it until i read peoples comments but yes lately the folgers has been effecting my stomach to the point where now i would not know what to buy if both coffees are doing this to people. I too, share the same thought I was thinking something was going wrong with my taste bud. Eight O'Clock The Original. I know it was the coffee as this happened just last week, but I wasn't sure if it was the coffee. Just a general unwell feeling & quick trips to the washroom. Ive been drinking Folgers since I was raised by my grandparents who drank it but recently I've been getting migraines from it. I continue to use the first jar I opened but threw the second one away and switch to another brand of instant coffee. I will increase the scoop by one, later and see if it helps any. Then I noticed I had the same problem by the next day. Without the vacuum you get stale spoiled coffee that taste horrible. He has broke out in hives and rashes from the instant coffee. I have been drinking Folgers coffee for many years. If you have ever looked for flavorful and affordable brands of coffee you must have come across the two rival brands: Folgers vs maxwell house Coffee. We did make some and my husband said it didn't even taste like coffee. I have been a coffee drinker for about 35 years. I am not a coffee drinker. I was ready for the skin doctor!! When they get exposed they will just add more additives and say that it is a new and improved formula. Since 2012 Ive seen small local roasting businesses explode everywhere so no matter where one lives now there should be a local roaster in your area or close by. Same problem. I was getting horrible heartburn every time I drank Maxwell house. I would be willing to pay a higher price, just to get the old recipe reinstated. That said, even I have to admit that when I drink it regularly, I actually start to like it more with time. However M/H brought back the nausea and tummy problems and the burning. The taste was bad. These findings inspired Joel to partner with Roger Nolley Smith to create a new and better blend. I'll be the first one to tell you that I am not a coffee-tasting pro. We tried it a few more times & each time the same thing happened. I wrote it off as nothing as this was new to me. I bought a store brand about a month ago because they were out of MH. MH/Kraft should not get away with this. I love a lighter roast, brewed strong and have a wonderful source in town but the price was killing me. hot, black original MH is good til last drop. I do not know if it is the chemical spray or unspecified blending of a different type of beans. Product details page for Maxwell House Wake Up Roast, 30.65 oz. I don't know what they are doing but I will never buy it again. So months back I noticed it tasted very bitter. I found multiple small (~0.5 inch, toothpick-like in diameter/width) pieces of wood in our Maxwell House container. In addition to helping readers discover their next brew, he intends to educate them about espresso and coffee. Bad stomach virus, exhaustion, waves of naussa. Something needs to be done, ASAP! I am boycotting Kraft products which are the makers of Maxwell house. FACT: they knew the Keurig type makers were going to hit the market long before the public was aware. I really enjoy Columbian Ground Roast. At first I thought my stomach grumblings were due to a stomach bug but the stomach cramps occurred within minutes of taking a few sips of every Maxwell House cappuccino I drank. Folgers brand is so effective at making me experience digestive distress that when someone offers me coffee at their home, I immediately ask what brand it is and explain that Folgers makes me sick. He has been drinking MH for years and he said the last two we bought are just bad. Going to contact company! I literally wondered if the can I got was somehow contaminated with some-whatever-thing gross and/or poisonous and that's why I started googling to find if this is actually the normal maxwell house flavor. Have headaches everyday. Best Coffee Shops in Kailua-Kona Historic Village (Kona, Hawaii on the Big Island). I usually don't have any problems when I drink coffee, but whenever I drink Folgers or Maxwell House coffee after few hours I would feel extremely tired. Maxwell house is either using bad beans r were all getting stale coffee. First was that awful taste. Drank one cup of Maxwell house coffee February 18th 2022 and got so sick thought I was going to have to go to the hospital, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps, severe sickness!! Nothing tasted right and I began to worry that I had covid! ), I had laid off coffee, due to ulcerative colitis. Yesterday was the worse and I started thinking maybe it is the coffee. Reasonably good until lately when I have noticed a significant decline in quality! The flavor is Ok, but we notice that after drinking it, we become unpleasant people. The first day I opened up a new can and as soon as I drank my first cup I felt like I wanted to throw up. If I don't have the same reaction, I'll know for sure that it's the Maxwell House!! I found a recipe online to make my own, and it did not make me sick. I could making several pots over and over again thinking it was the coffee pot.I am going to look for another brand. we are talking longer then sixty years ago. I am on hold now with Maxwell housethey transferred me to what sounds like someone across the world. It has never tasted as bad as it does lately and I have had to stop drinking it completely. I thought I was developing an ulcer or something! Maxwell House coffee is produced in Houston, Texas, Jacksonville, Florida, and San Leandro, California, in the US. Gives you the runs and just makes you feel awful. Folgers coffee got its start in San Francisco in 1850. We both began getting severe headaches, sore throat, nausea, pain & soreness in our stomach, dizziness, sweating & feeling anxious. I have experienced the same thing with instant maxwell house coffee. I have been enjoying the flavored ground Maxwell House coffees (Hazelnut and French Vanilla) for well over a decade, and I notice now that neither tastes like the flavors they're supposed to and the coffee smells and tastes nasty. Of coffee definitely something in it 's the Maxwell House and staring it up and drink.! I wrote it off as nothing as this was new to me to make own... A recipe online to make my own, and it was bad is n't dull and. Just raised their price -- -i would have gladly paid more for what was so good smell in the.... 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