In the event of his death, Kelsier ordered his kandra, OreSeur, to ingest his remains, masquerading as a resurrected holy figure. I find it odd how specific Kelsier's death is. Kelsier, famously known as the Survivor of Hathsin, is a powerful Mistborn and one of the main characters in Mistborn: The Final Empire. Epic previously teased the Mistborn crossover by tweeting out a quote . Itd be interesting if he actually HAD been spiked by the spears. He claims that he smiles solely because laughter is the only thing that the Lord Ruler cannot take from him. Major Character Death; Categories: F/M; Gen; Fandom: Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson; Relationships: . Shes also written one novel and is working on several more. He hid the artifact away somewhere in the north and then disappeared. Powers that we know of: Steelpushing (Allomantic) and Bloodmaking (Feruchemical). They called you their god, and you were casual with their faith! While initially hostile, in the end Kelsier's brother Marsh joined, and together the crew developed a plan to defeat the Final Empire. No, Kelsier was not fond of Marsh. The newly installed king of Luthadel, Elend Venture, often inquires about Kelsier's traits and skills, hoping that he can learn to lead as effectively as the Survivor once did. They have been utilizing Hemalurgy to grant their members Allomantic and Feruchemical powers. Kelsier's suspicions that Vin was a Mistborn were confirmed when he saw that she was able to burn zinc. First off, I don't mean to come off as hostile, but I am genuinely confused as to what this theory is saying. However, Kelsier is then confronted by the Lord Ruler, who backhands him across the face and then stabs him in the chest with a spear, killing him. [54] Secretly, however, he knew that Ruin would send Marsh to intercept the message, and was hoping that reading the message would give Marsh the information he needed to remove Vin's earring, which was also a Hemalurgic spike that was keeping her from taking up Preservation's power. After Holding and releasing the Shard of Preservation, Kelsier became a Sliver. A discussion means you have twosides, and you literally just asked one side to leave and move along.. With the spike removed, Kelsier encouraged her to take up the power, relinquishing it so that she can do so. Kelsier, sentenced to die mining the Pits of Hathsin after attempting to rob the Lord Ruler's palace, arose as a powerful Mistborn and inspired the revolution that shook the foundations of the Final Empire. Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. And we know Ruin was able to manipulatepeople, particularly unstable people like Vin's mother and Gemmel, soit possible that the rebels who stabbed the Lord Ruler were influenced by Ruin to create a Hemalurgic Spike. A bit obsessive, a bit anxious, and a whole lot amazing, Steris uses her neurodivergencies to her (and Waxs) advantage by plotting out every eventuality and creating detailed plans to deal with any situation. , Marsh is Kelsiers older brother. The Inquisitors' eyespikes poked out the back. [32], Born to a noble father and skaa mother,[35] his mother kept both Kelsier and Marsh alive by pretending that she was noble to their father so that their children would be considered merely illegitimate noblemen instead of half-breeds; however, their father eventually found out. We dont haveto do this. Kelsier is Vins mentor and teaches her to use her Allomantic abilities. It requires the physical anchor of the spike. After the fall of the Lord Ruler, Marsh eventually came under control of Ruin, as Ruin used the Hemalurgic nature of the Inquisitors to control them. [53][54] He used this opportunity to tell Spook to send a message to Vin, warning her that any spiked person could potentially be under Ruin's control. On the battlefield, Kaladin would be more likely to win. , Kelsier is terrified by Ati and the power that he holds, seeing and feeling it through the Well of Ascension.[74]. Travelling back to Luthadel, he begins to assemble a thieving crew to put his plan into motion. Worship. Leras is fascinated by Kelsier due to him being the first to punch him after death, and being the first to attempt to recruit him to their schemes. Kelsier and Dockson went to see her first hand; they watched Vin Soothe an obligator during Camon's scheme, confirming that she was at least a Soother. Its probably not realistic though. Dockson once again became Kelsier's organizer and right hand man. Sure, maybe it would be active for a split second when touching blood or whatever like you said,but as soon as the head passes out of his body on the other side, it wouldnt affect him anymore. As punishment, Kelsier was sent to the the Pits of Hathsin to mine atium for the Lord Ruler. Kelsier's martyrdom and seeming resurrection spawns a new religion, the Church of the Survivor, which venerates Kelsier's teachings. He also knew at that point he'd been too much of a problem for the Lord Ruler. The Final Empire: Mistborn Book 1. I want to know if it is relevant, because when things are relevant, they become not just interesting and thought provoking, but actually important. HE CANT BE HEMALURGICALLY SPIKED IF THE METAL ISNT TOUCHING HIS INSIDES. [36] There he spent his time believing that his wife Mare had betrayed him to the Lord Ruler until he witnessed his wife being beaten to death by guards after she gifted her Atium bead to him. During this time, he attempted a second breakin of Kredik Shaw, and was unsuccessful; nearly getting Vin killed in the process. I dunno what the point of spiking him would be. Now there is also the question of why your comment was warranted. [citation needed], To put the plan in motion, Kelsier first targeted Keep Venture, as House Venture was the currently most powerful house in Luthadel and an attack on it would have the greatest impact. [21] There is a darkness to him that other heroes, such as Kaladin, would fight but that Kelsier instead embraces and is so ruthless that, in a fight with other notable people from the cosmere, he would be the most likely to win;[27][28] even Hoid considers him incredibly dangerous. The man tells a villager to "survive.". First released in 2006, Mistborn currently emcompasses six books, the most recent one having been released in 2016. "Everything I learn is just another tool for the tool box", -Kelsier, the Tool's Bible (citation needed). The "Survivor's Statemark" is one of the symbols of the faith. Kelsier is a fully trained Mistborn, despite his half-noble half-skaa ancestry. . Back at the city gates Kelsier introduced Vin to Sazed. Will it be revealed to be the Big Bad of the series after all? Kelsier draws up a master plan for the job, in which he designates each member of his crew to a role. It was Mare who gave Kelsier a drawing of a flower, a remnant of a time before ash clouded the sky and plants grew withered and brown. [20] He nicknamed him Fuzz, due to his unraveled appearance. Even if he was though, Im kind of confused at why you think Ruin would want TLR to kill Kelsier instead of Ruin trying to have TLR kill himself somehow. Prior to one of the executions, Kelsier attacks the carriages transporting the victims and frees them, killing a Steel Inquisitor in the process. [38] Outside the city, they saw a Mistwraith. The book was first published in July 17th 2006 and the latest edition of the book was published in July 31st 2007 which eliminates all the known issues and printing errors. On Kelsier's way back to Luthadel, he made a stop at the farm of Lord Themos Tresting to talk with the farm skaa. Gemmel is Kelsier's mentor in the allomantic arts, meeting each other after Kelsier escaped from his captivity in Hathsin. Though they suffered many setbacks, Kelsier's leadership allowed the rebellion to attain an army of sufficient size to hold Luthadel. What are you saying? Then he found the power at the Well of Ascension and became trapped there with Ruin, though merging with the power of the Well allowed him to become a Cognitive Shadow and resist the pull of the Beyond. The Southern Scadrians have also used the metal in primer cubes which can somehow regulate ettmetals effects with the flip of a switch. Kelsier also is quite adept at pewter-dragging, as he is capable of running long distances and experiencing only minor fatigue afterwards. Wax, Wayne, and Marasi work together to take down Miles Hundredlives, a compound bloodmaker who has been kidnapping women and stealing aluminum for a shadowy organization called The Set. At the end of the book, the kidnapped women are still missing, Miles is executed, and Wax discovers that his uncle Edwarn, whod been presumed dead, is actually alive and a member of the Set. And the whole point of the Cosmere Discussion forumis to discuss irrelevant theories and minutiae about the Cosmere. [2] Kelsier later reveals in his letter to Vin that he had intended to use the Eleventh Metal to destroy the Lord Ruler but could not discover how to use it in his fight. He is presumably the founding member of the Ghostbloods, a secret society investigating the Cosmere and ways to travel between all the different worlds. Kelsier offered to let her to join his crew. Kelsier dies. He escapes the Well following its destruction and travels west, meeting Khriss, Nazh, and a group of Elantrians along the way. The new skin is based on Kelsier, a central character of the series. He also searched far and wide for possible ways to defeat the Lord Ruler, and managed to find an ingot of the fabled Eleventh Metal (he claimed he had found it in the west, which is considered to be a lie. OreSeur incites the skaa to rebel, beginning the revolution and the overthrow of the Final Empire. His healing heals his spiritweb, so it's theoretically possible to use him as an infinite source of spikes.. Of course, the WoB about it just says that spiking Hoid would work very weirdly. The skaa react to Kelsier's death by rising up and overthrowing the city with the help of Kelsier's army. Wayne once had a thing for her, but gave up on it after realizing that she has a girlfriend. TenSoon wears Kelsier's bones to glean information about Vin from Luthadel guards. Kelsier is a half-skaa Mistborn from Scadrial. He hates injustice and takes this hatred to the extreme, which originally resulted in him being unable to see good in any of the nobility. As of the end of TheBands of Mourning, she is in a casual relationship with Wayne. Mister Suit had been captured and possibly killed, but Lady Sequence (Telsin) had escaped, and there are rumblings of more devious plots afoot something to do with the kandra who are working for the Set, and Trell. Kelsier is a former thief from the capital city of Luthadel. Uncanonically, Brandon imagines Kelsier as using a Seon in a trench coat as his 'avatar'. After Sazeds Ascension and Spooks rise to political power, Kelsier began to speak with Spook about finding a way to bring himself back to the Physical Realm. Aside from the Survivorists, there was also a whole civilization of people that worshiped Kelsier far to to the south of Elendel, calling him the Sovereign. Will we learn more about him in The Lost Metal? The spear head doesnt have to leave the body. If you dont have time for a reread of the series before diving into the new book and need a refresher course so you can go in with your metalminds clear, were happy to help remind you of whos who, whats what, and all those other wondrous Ws! Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_6/Chapter_4, Summary: The Well of Ascension/Chapter_54, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_6/Chapter_7, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_2/Chapter_3, Summary: The Bands of Mourning/Chapter_21, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Epilogue, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_1/Chapter_1, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_2/Chapter_1, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_3/Chapter_1, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_3/Chapter_2, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_3/Chapter_3, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_4/Chapter_4, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_5/Chapter_2, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_5/Chapter_3, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_6/Chapter_1, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_6/Chapter_3, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_6/Chapter_6, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_6/Chapter_8, Summary: The Bands of Mourning/Chapter_27, Summary: The Bands of Mourning/Chapter_28, Summary: The Bands of Mourning/Chapter_29, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_2/Chapter_2, Summary: The Bands of Mourning/Chapter_11, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_1/Chapter_2,, If given the chance, Kelsier would find it "really fun" to punch. After removing her second spike and adding one of Trellium, she went mad and began working with the Set, and was defeated. It is there revealed that it was Kelsier's ghost who stabbed Elend at the end of Well of Ascension, not Preservation. People have theorized similar about Hoid. In The Final Empire it can be argued that Vin represents the reader of the book as she is constantly in awe and has a great amount of respect for Kelsier.The reader is able to learn about the world, the magic and the other characters through the eyes of Vin, and because of this, we admire Kelsier, holding him up to almost a supernatural standard. Publication [ edit] TheManKnownAsHoid, August 2, 2018. [31] He lost these abilities in death and has not recovered them.[22]. Ive done my best to include things that I think youll need to know going into the next book. His name and deeds passed into legend. The Coppermind has spoilers for all of Brandon's published works, now including The Lost Metal and Tress of the Emerald Sea (Secret Project 1). I doubt that its a spike however simply for the reason of what attribute would theyspike into Kelsier. While he is incapable of leaving Scadrial in person, he uses an "avatar" to visit the Ghostbloods on Roshar. Kelsier is known by many titles, the origins of which vary. He was dead anyways. But you can't kill me, Lord Tyrant. Kelsier was then trained by a Mistborn named Gemmel[37] and they traveled to the far north of the Western Dominance to a city called Mantiz where Kelsier fought and killed the Mistborn Antillius Shezler. the original post says a lot: Are you asking if the rebels were influencedby Ruin? [39], The plan was to secretly build up an army of twenty thousand trained skaa soldiers in the Arguois caverns while at the same time causing confusion and distrust in the nobility to cause a house war. If Kelsier orders a person around, it is a sign of affection. Kelsier is also highly impulsive, on one occasion attempting to attack an entire army single-handed. Then, in Shadows of Self, Paalm was using a spike supplied by Trell to gain Allomantic and Feruchemical abilities, as well as to remain invisible to Harmony. VenDell: A kandra who often delivers messages on behalf of Harmony. Which is kind of how Id always imagined it. (The Mistborn Saga #1) by Brandon Sanderson (Goodreads Author) 4. So we really cant know if he was being feeling the effects of Ruins influence, since we cant even know if he was hemalurgically spiked. Vin expected that Kelsier would use his knowledge to control her, but to her surprise, he openly explained her the eight basic metals. Thankfully, a certain someone found them (see Kelsiers section below) and helped them to survive. Elend lived with the weight of not being the man the people wanted. I dont think the head matters. He was the one who organized, the one who took all of the wild brainstorming and turned it into a viable operation. Kelsier is seen to be not fond of the decision, but doesn't let any of his agents to assassinate her. Kelsier is deified and continues to be venerated more and more by the skaa as the Church of the Survivor gains popularity. Before his death, Kelsier had tried to unlock the potential of the 11th metal, which was rumored to be the Lord Ruler's weakness. He teamed up with the escaped Plantation skaa Dockson and the Tineye Mare, whom he married. The Misborn series comes recommended by Eurogamer friend Johnny Chiodini, who describes Fortnite's latest addition thus: "Kelsier is a thief, but he's also a mistborn - a person who can consume. He feels guilty for abandoning her but does his best to help her. I wonder if there's a way to make hemalurgy permanent. Kelsier's legacy continues to influence people all across the five dominances. He has an imposing presence and is a natural leader, easily taking charge and swaying even the downtrodden skaa of Luthadel into joining the rebellion with his charming personality. All we know for certain is that its some sort of entity worshiped by many on Scadrial. Edwarn Ladrian (aka Mister Suit): Waxs uncle, and a member of the Set. Marsh is aware of Kelsiers current activities as a Cognitive Shadow. [42] For a period, he did not fully respect or believe Leras's divinity, but over time he came to respect him more. [29] Hoid has also taken direct action against him, giving Wax an unsealed coppermind containing knowledge that he would rather keep hidden. Their combined effort would, in the end, result in the collapse of the Final Empire. After Vin had recovered from her extensive injuries, Ham took her with him to allow her to watch him burn pewter effectively, but they quickly returned to Kelsier with news that Yeden had had his troops attack a garrison outpost against their main objective. Despite what he has told the Ghostbloods, Kelsier does not have a real avatar. Kelsier, famously known as the Survivor of Hathsin, is a powerful Mistborn and one of the main characters in Mistborn: The Final Empire . Kelsier knocked out Camon with Steelpushes and gave control over the crew to Milev. [47] After that, he left the area of the Cognitive Realm surrounding Scadrial and moved closer to finding the Ire. Priests in this religion wear robes with stitching up the arms to emulate Kelsier's scars from the Pits of Hathsin. Kelsier has also been keeping himself busy by interfering with Roshar (the world in which The Stormlight Archive is set). And the whole point of the Cosmere Discussion forumis to discuss irrelevant theories and minutiae about the Cosmere. They go on several outings together, including fighting Inquisitors this leads to Vin almost dying however and changes how Kelsier runs the crew. [32] He also had Codenames send messages to Steris and the Ghostblood agents in the Elendel Basin, telling them to prepare for an evacuation of Elendel. Yet, his death isn't truly that sad to me. I am not yours. This thread only relatesto Mistborn, and should probably be moved to the mistborn forum,instead of the Cosmere forum, to avoid spoilers. We dont haveto do this. But were talking about the Lord Ruler, and he was standing up the whole time. He infiltrated the Steel Inquisitors, and is one of the few remaining characters from the original trilogy who is alive. He also appears to be the only remaining Mistborn thanks to Hemalurgy. This one is gonna be a RAFO for what his true plan is and if there is influence somewhere. [30] He is quite proficient at pewter dragging and has enough practice to maintain it for hours and still maintain a fair amount of clarity afterwards. [71] He was hours away near Southern Scadrian when Telsin planned to send a bomb on Elendel, and tasked Moonlight, TwinSoul, and Marasi to take care of it. Please help The Coppermind by, Kelsier really wasn't kidding when he said that. He forced the rest of the crew to leave, only leaving Vin. Wayne: Waxs loyal sidekick, Wayne has a tendency to borrow things and has an aversion to using guns despite his duty as a lawman. (Almost certainly on that score, lets be honest.) Batman, the most legendary mistborn himself. 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