There are also doors that open to blank walls, and a dangerous door on the second floor that opens out into nothingsave for an alarming drop to the yard far below. 9h ago. Thus, what appear to be upside-down pillars, chimneys and skylights that have overhead roofs, and doors or stairs that lead into solid walls make perfect sense when viewed from higher dimensions. For example, we recall that Sarah displays the number 49 (7 squared), along with the number 777 in her bedroom ceiling. Later his son George C. Pardee followed in his fathers footsteps rising to the office of Governor of California (1903- 1907. Wiki User. Richard Allan Wagner, personal research notes for The LOST SECRET of William Shakespeare, published by Richard Allan Wagner, Los Angeles, 2010. She had a child Annie Pardee Winchester. He was born on June 22, 1837, to Oliver Winchester and Jane Ellen Hope in Baltimore, Maryland.His siblings include: Ann Rebecca Winchester (1835-1864) who married Charles B. Dye; and Hannah Jane Winchester who married Thomas . Sarah and William had one daughter, Annie Pardee Winchester, who was born on June 15, 1866 and died on July 25, 1866 of marasmus. During her lifetime legends sprung up about Sarah Winchester being a reclusive woman who wore a veil to hide her face. As we shall see, there is a unique relationship between the numbers 7, 11, and 13. However, both Richard and Sarah resolve to overcome their plight with the phrase: Yet, Ill hammert out. For Richard, this is meant figuratively, but for Sarah, the interpretation took on a more literal meaning. It provides enough of a tether to reality to make viewers think this could have happened but leaves plenty of room for, shall we say, artistic license. Sarah Winchester packed her belongings and settled in San Jose. Therefore, in describing the dynamics of space, a new, higher dimensional model was required. Then, just a year later, William himself suddenly fell ill and died from tuberculosis, leaving everything to Sarah. Sarah also wants to underscore the relationship between the moons reflective light and the Astral Light AKA the Akashic record. And, 7 + 6 = 13, then, 13 simplifies to 4 (i.e., 1 + 3 = 4). Moreover, any 10 year old child, armed with a calculator, can easily become a master of Sarahs number system. In fact, Sarah shows us daisies everywhere, both in and around the House. Moreover, she also knew this would be the initiates first trial or moment of truth. So, we are compelled to either walk away, or stand back and take a truly hard look at the matter. When William Winchester died in 1881, his wife, Sarah, was left with a legacy of epic proportions. Due to possessing so many shares of the rifle company, Sarah . While Sarah and the Bacon girls were attending the school, Dr. Bacons sister Delia, also a New Haven resident, attracted considerable fame and attention for writing her famous treatise that Sir Francis Bacon (with the aid of a circle of the finest literary minds of the Elizabethan-Jacobean Age) was the actual author, editor, and publisher of the original works of Shakespeare. His work within his Rosicrucian circle, during the writing of the Fama Fraternitatus (the first of Bacons three Rosicrucian manifestos), reflects his use of the code name F. The movie is set at a time when the famous home was in a rural, orchard area. But when trying to get a room count, the new owners kept coming up with different numbers. Sarah adhered both to Bacons Kabbalistic theosophy and the theosophical perspective held by Rudolph Steiner (1861- 1925). Bacon, Kaye Cipher, and William Wirt Winchester, Pythagorean Cipher). And as we have previously seen, 21 consists of three 7s, or 777. A new room was recently discovered at San Jose's Winchester Mystery House, the Victorian mansion that was once home to Sarah Winchester. Also, we recall that four 13s add up to the number 52 ( Winchester). According to Ralph Rambo, Sarah went on a three year world tour before settling in California in 1884. It was perfect! Additionally, the staircase has 7 turns. He was born on June 22, 1837, to Oliver Winchester and Jane Ellen Hope in Baltimore, Maryland. William Wirt Winchester was born June 22, 1837 in Baltimore, Baltimore County, Maryland, United States, the son of Oliver F. Winchester and Jane E. (Hope) Winchester. Mary, on the other hand, may have been a little wary at first, but she came to work with Ketch. A gifted orator and major figure in the American Revolution, his rousing speeches . Additionally, the reverse palindromic twin of 13 is 31thus, 31 x 777 yields the same result, i.e. The Egyptians saw the path to heaven as a 12 step staircase with a magnificent door at the top. the series values become constant values. It is no wonder that New Haven Society would eventually dub her The Belle of New Haven.. William Wirt Winchester is best known as the son of the owner of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company, Oliver Winchester. The solitary letter C, of course, is the Roman Numeral 100 representing the name Francis Bacon (Simple Cipher). Unquestionably, these three prime numbers were extremely important to Sarah (and to Francis Bacon). And, sure enough, there it was where no one would normally think to look for it! He reasoned that forces might be best explained in terms of warps in a higher dimension. It should be noted that most Rosicrucians are theosophists. An English mathematician by the name of Charles Dodgson, writing under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll, wrote a childrens book that described the mind boggling properties one would encounter in a forth spatial dimension. First, his name adds up (in the Pythagorean Cipher) to the number 111 (just like Bacon in the Kaye Cipher). The co-discoverer of String Theory, Dr. Michio Kaku, says Its as though there is some kind of deep numerology being manifested in these functions that no one understands. Appropriately, theoretical physicists like to describe the String (or Membrane) as a resonating subatomic matrix of entangled lattices forming the structure of the universe in a unified configuration resembling a vast, spider-web. To that end Sarah carefully crafted Masonic and Rosicrucian features into the structure of her labyrinthine House. Furthermore, her knowledge of the classics (most notably Homer and Shakespeare) along with a remarkable talent as a musician was well noticed. Aside from its immense size and Victorian style architecture, the House has a number of unique characteristics. William Wirt Winchester was born in Baltimore, MD on July 22, 1837. Young John Winchester and his father Henry. Her brother-in-law was the president of Mills College, . For Sarah and Bacon, 444 was a simplified expression of 131313. Note further that the sequence is simply an endless repetition of combining a number with the preceding number in order to arrive at the next number in the sequence, e.g. The Winchester Mystery House was built by Sarah Winchester, who had married Winchester Repeating Arms Company heir William Wirt Winchester in 1862. The curriculum of The Young Ladies Collegiate Institute of New Haven placed a heavy emphasis on scientific studies. Clearly, Sarah was aware of Bacons placement of the name Winchester as the 20th word from the plays end. Her parents raised her as a hunter, but she gave up hunting after both her parents were killed by Azazel. To the untrained eye, the beam has the appearance of just another piece of wood. Then, tragically, William died from tuberculosis 15 years later. In fact, the various symbols are distinctly Baconian. On the ground floor, not far from Jacobs Ladder, there is an unfinished room which Sarah planned to use as a second Ballroom. Upon entering the room we notice a rough, horizontal cross-beam extending across the upper portion of the south wall. It has 44 tiny steps. When Sarah Pardee met William Wirt Winchester, he'd already amassed a fortune manufacturing shirts with his father, Oliver. Sarah Pardee adopted all of Bacons encryption Tableshowever, the 1 through 9 Pythagorean Table was her primary cipher of choice. Some of the Houses 47 chimneys have an overhead ceilingwhile, in some places, there are skylights covered by a roofand some skylights are covered by another skylightand, in one place, there is a skylight built into the floor. According to historical documents, the Winchesters and the Pardees were well acquainted, particularly through the auspices of New Havens First Baptist Church. Which begs the question who was in charge of whom? And, why would spirits have an inability or need to keep track of time? However, once you conclude that Sarah was sane, and you opt to go with door number two, you are compelled to see that there is a rational purpose behind all of these seemingly insane features built into the structure of the House. He was the brother of Anna Rebecca and Hannah Jane Winchester. "She had a social conscience and she did try to give back," Boehme offered, noting the hospital Sarah built in her husband's name. Perhaps the better question is why would anything that is strange, or not understood have to be explained as being related to the spirit world?. Unquestionably, for many people, the folklore is entertainingbut it is a complete fabrication. Although no mention has ever surfaced as to any specific guidelines or special instructions by which Mr. Lieb would select a buyer for the property, one gets the distinct impression that Sarah wanted the House to stand intact and perpetually preserved and so it does. But before you go to the movie theater, wander through the curious past of one of America's most infamous homes. To make matters more interesting, Sarah has the window facing north with no perceivable source of light. Sadly, Sarah and William's infant daughter, Annie, died from a mysterious childhood disease in 1866. Her brother-in-law was the president of Mills College, and two of her sisters already lived in the Bay Area. Using photographs of the two Shakespearean Windows, we cut them into thirds, resulting in facsimiles of the six window panes. Moreover, the Baconian-Masonic preoccupation with secret encryption techniques using numbered cipher systems most certainly influenced young Sarahs world view. We recall that Bacons super word from Loves Labours Lost, honorificabilitudinitatibus, consists of 27 letters. Sarahs insertion of daisies in the center of the two Sun symbols on the front, wrought iron gates are important because the daisy represents the two essential qualities of the initiate: Innocence and Fidelity. But more importantly, at an early age, she was admitted to Yales only female scholastic institution known as the Young Ladies Collegiate Institute. Two of the schools most influential administrators and professors, Judson A. Root and his brother N.W. Gradually, the Winchester patriarch amassed a considerable fortune. When they are properly realigned, a stunning, new pattern emerges. Even her will had 13 parts, and she signed it 13 times. 1. William Wirt Winchester (1837 March 7, 1881) was the second president of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company from 1880 to 1881. The Winchester Rifle is "the gun that won the west"and it made the Winchester family very wealthy. Moreover, most daisy species have 13 branches growing out of their stalks (when they mature), and they possess another remarkable featurethe head of every daisy flower forms a Fibonacci Spiral consisting of 34 tiny florets spiraling clockwise, inward, from the outer ring to the centerand, 21 florets spiraling, outward, counter-clockwise from the center to the outer ring. The year after her death in 1922, it was opened to the public for tours and has remained an architectural curiosity ever since. The House abounds in oddities and anomalous features. Francis Bacon didnt adhere to the strict application of the simplification rule. As we have seen in earlier chapters the name Bacon, in Simple Cipher, adds up to the number 33. Sure enough, 9 x 13 = 117 (Bacons code number for John Dee). Another important aspect of the 7/11 staircase is that it forms a large Letter Y, which symbolizes the fork in the road. The initiate must make a choice between traveling the easier left path or climb the more difficult right path. This she did by counting the number of letters in her name, i.e. There is only one known photo of the widow Winchester, which was taken surreptitiously. Well ahead of her time, Mrs. Winchester employed many high tech inventions of her day. After Marys death John went to a psychic named Missouri Moseley. Bacons philosophy further maintained the fundamental tenets of the ancient mystery schools, i.e. Moreover, there is absolutely no factual basis to support the idea that Sarah ever used the so-called Sance Room for the purpose of conducting sances. This is the symbol for the masons. Hans Christian Oersteds discovery of the unification of electricity and magnetism (1820), along with Charles Darwins Theory of Evolution (1838) had stirred the new, scientific caldron to such an extent that natural forces were being explained as a dynamic evolving phenomenon rather than a static, passive entity. And thats definitely true. Adding further to the hide and seek theme, Sarah has introduced another tantalizing element to the Windows design. 13. Also interesting, is the fact that President Theodore Roosevelt (another member of the Bohemian Club) came to California in 1903 to ask Governor Pardee to run as his Vice Presidential candidate in the 1904 national election. Their only child Annie Pardee Winchester is born on July 12, 1866. Oliver Winchester died in December of 1880. We are indebted to William Rowan Hamiltons development of Quaternions for laying down the dynamic principle governing the spider-webs intricate workings. These windows were meant for other people! In showing us 9 sets of the number 13, she has forced us to multiply. 444 (the combined value of Bacons Rossi Crosse seals). The length of the, hypotenuse drawn from this point to Stonehenge is 12.368. It is highly probable that Mrs. Winchester found the symbol too risqu for her usethus, she devised a new symbol representing Tubal-Cain in the form of the Letter C with two balls. On July 15, 1866, Sarah gave birth to their only child, Annie Pardee Winchester, but the baby died six weeks later of marasmus. Additionally, the number 55 (Pythagorean Cipher) matches the name Hiram Abiff. Then, 924 x 13 = 12012. She was the fifth of seven children born to Leonard Pardee and Sarah Burns. Scott Adams faces 'consequence culture' as U.S. newspapers drop Dilbert, Tom Cruise's 'ditching' of Suri showcased by Judd Apatow's 'co-parenting' joke, ex-Scientology exec says. The truncated pyramid, with its hovering capstone and All Seeing Eye represents the unfinished work of the quest to mirror the divine blueprint in accordance with Proverbs, 25it is the final piece of the universal puzzle yet to be set in place. In 1884, Sarah took up residence in the San Francisco Bay areaeventually moving inland to the Santa Clara Valley (now San Jose) to buy an eight room farmhouse from one Dr. Robert Caldwell. She had 50% ownership of the company and was set for life. This feature is referred to as the 7/11 staircase. Notice how 711 is the reverse of the 117 displayed in the Ballroom ceilingand, as we have seen, Sarah also saw it as another way to express her name as 711 simplifies to the number 72, corresponding to Sarah (20) Winchester (52) in the Pythagorean Cipher. Thus, we have the number 3 in both windows, rendering Bacons number 33. William Wirt Winchester, Sarahs husband, did die of tuberculosis in 1881 and the couple did lose a child, Annie, in infancy, in 1866 not as close together as the film implies. The present pay is $2.50. Sarahs bedroom is located on the south side of the second story. 11, and 77. Like Bacon, Sarahs use of numbers always leads us to a deeper core of meaning. The birth of the Winchesters daughter, Anne Pardee Winchester (in 1866) resulted in a new set of numbers for Sarah to deal with. 67 54, which, when combined also renders 121. The Shakespearean Windows. Succumbing to malnourishment, Anna died at just 40 days old. Everything would be completely flat. This is precisely the effect Sarah wanted the inscriptions to have on us. Her favorite niece and secretary, Marian Marriott, oversaw the removal and sale of all of Sarahs furnishings and personal property. In 1886, Sarah purchased an eight-room farmhouse in San Jose, California, and began building. Additionally, we are reminded that the name William Shakespeare renders the numbers 7/11 as there are 7 letters in William, and 11 letters in Shakespeare. For all Masonic initiates (Candidates), these are the first features they will pass through when entering the Lodge room. Moreover, the Sun symbol is the insignia of the Senior Deacon of a Masonic Lodge. After purchasing Dr. Caldwells house along with its 161 acres of farmland, Mrs. Winchester hired a crew of approximately 20 carpenters, and began the implementation of a vast, building project that lasted until her death 38 years later. Winchester ) packed her belongings and settled in San Jose 13,,!, William died from tuberculosis, leaving everything to Sarah leaving everything to Sarah ( and to Francis (! South side of the name Francis Bacon ( Simple Cipher ) matches the Winchester! And Victorian style architecture, the interpretation took on a three year tour... 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