I also get a scam letter telling me that I need to send $250 to some company for my IP addresses for website and it is also bogus. Some might fall for this trick. Shon, way to be vigilant about sketchy bills received in the mail. The Washoe County Human Services Agency's (HSA) Child Protective Services (CPS) is required by Nevada law to investigate reports of suspected child abuse and neglect. However, that doesnt make it any less of a scam, since the way its presented is misleading, it looks like a legal document, and theyre counting on the fact that a lot of people wont bother to read the fine print. Filing a motion to modify child support; . The California State Child Abuse Reporting Law provides the legal 1971 E Beltine ave NE Ste 106 #1052 Grand Rapids, MI 49525. I got here and I wanted to let you know that they are still alive and active in NJ. Just received a notice for NJ annual report asking for $160. reduce recidivism of child protective services (CPS) reports in a family, to achieve permanency goals for children in out-of-home care (OOHC), and to assist families in developing their own capacities to . The form from C.P.S. But you can do this yourself for FREE! They will work with both parents to safely care for their child. I dont usually provide comments but now feel that we all need to keep people aware of these scams. Weird thing is, it was sent to my home address and not the PO Box where the biz mail is sent. $185.00 to file my annual $100.00 report. I hope a lot of ppl see your site b4 mailing in a check. Received a letter from CPS filing services which said that they had been hired by the State of Oklahoma to collect and process the annual LLC certificate filing fees. requests $100 to file this for you, implying that you are supposed to be doing it through them, and masquerading as a government agency. Just received this today! 5614 Connecticut Ave NW #190, Washington DC 20015-2604. A mandated reporter must also complete a written report within 48 hours of contact which discloses the suspected abuse or neglect. I started to fill it out then realized it did not makes sense to have this type of company. Local Departments of Social Services. That sounds like a decent letter for them. Just got one from them requesting $275.00 with a deadline of 9/27/2019. Fax: (405) 521-4373. CPS is a bogus service. I checked the address which led to a UPS store thereI just ripped it up and threw it away. Sacramento, CA 95831. register via the website while viewing a corporation record. This isnt even the time I file, so I just went online to check my business entity report to renew and it said I am still over 90 days out before renewal. You may also call the state hotline at (800) 932-0313. I just inc. A business and i got a letter asking for 275.00 for OSHA is this fake guys? fraudulent letters being mailed to businesses indicating an annual report renewal The letter I pay my LLC fees and file my report annually to the Louisiana Secretary of State, so this made me suspicious. It is clear they are trying to make it look like they are official NJ State agency, but they are not. The scammers are getting more sophisticated every day. The Protective Services Hotline, (703) 792-4200 (TTY: 711), screens for allegations of adult and child abuse and/or neglect from the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. WOW WHAT A MF SCAM NEXT TIME YOU ARE IN SAC. Oral reports should be made immediately. To report concerns about child abuse, neglect or sexual abuse, contact the county or reservation where the child lives during business hours. I have already filed for 2020 and only cost $13.00 on line for this state. It looks like an official NJ State bill but says, in very fine print: "C.P.S. http://www.sos.la.gov I think I will utilize their return envelope and send themnothing. Business owners BEWARE of C.P.S. To learn more about CPS Intake and Assessments please click on the Video below. CPS receives and investigates reports of possible child abuse and neglect. If only these losers and all the others out there worked as hard at a real job as they do at trying to scam hard working members of society. Carla, good instincts to not fall for the CPS scam during the pandemic. You may also contact the police orcounty sheriff. Yep, in CA, too C.P.S. Just got a similar notification for the state of Colorado from this exact same address, but they changed the name of the company to B.C.S. directs owners to mail payments in the amount of $125 to C.P.S. They are scum!! Thank you everyone for posting all of this that way I wouldnt get scammed since this is my first ever business! They requested a payment of $120 to 1026 Florin Road Sacramento, CA. THIS LETTER IS NOT Thanks for posting!!! Cannot believe the BB has done nothing about it I filed a complaint. Same s@#t just happened to me:$160 requested for filing which is due much later in the year. Ive been scammed before, 2 other times, 2 weeks apart, if you can imagine!!! Thanks everyone for your comments! So, put it on your calendar to remind you in advance and have it repeat as many years as you are in the business or leave it as infinite until you officially close it down. They are asking $275 for OSHA filing for my business. The UPS store is facilitating this as well. I also received an official-looking mailing from CPS with an Indianapolis address. 211Utah connects individuals in need to services available to them such as housing, health clinics, food resources, legal aid and more. It looks like an official form and it is meant to deceive you. Our small business received unsolicited mail requesting $100 to file a 2020 biennial statement. So sad! Merry Christmas to you and yours as well!!! Thankful for the internet. This location is a post mail box at a UPS store. Placing children in foster care. Intake & Collaborative Services. They have the decency to include fine print that says, The State of Colorado periodic report can be filed directly through the state for the statutory $10 fee. Thats what weve always done in the past, so I was tipped off right away. Form asks for $295.00 Stating that Federal OSHA Laws requires all all employers to provide a place of employees free of hazards. If abuse is suspected, a report should be When a child cannot be returned to a safe home after services have been delivered, the child must be provided with a family-like living arrangement as soon as possible. It appears to be real but when you read the top of the document it says SOLICITATION FOR SERVICES, THAT IS WHAT MADE ME DO A DOUBLE TAKE, as well as saying they are NOT a government agency. Very official looking document. I just received a letter today, January 14, 2023. business address and then provide a Yelp review of the UPS store that is aiding and abetting the scam C.P.S. importantly, warnings involving possible fraudulent activity. Protective Custody When it appears that a child is in danger of being harmed, or has already been seriously abused or neglected, a police officer can place the child in protective custody. I just wonder how they guys obtain my contact info and who disclose it to them. Upon further review, I see that even though this is made to look identical to the legitimate form, it is a total fake. Then I searched the address and its a UPS store that has PO Boxes but with a street address. Paper forms utilizing a revised version of the "Indiana Request for a Child Protection Services (CPS) History Check" SF 52802, with a new revision number and accompanying instructions will be made available on this website. Im busy running my LLC each day, probably like you, and I get to open my mail to find out if there are any new bills. I just received mailing fro CPS for my NJ LLC. These need to be posted in your workplace and will be checked when the inspector comes. I checked the official website and the status of my LLC and it is too early to file statement of information for my company. Dont be fooled. THIS PRODUCT OR SERVICE HAS NOT BEEN APPROVED OR ENDORSED BY ANY GOVERNMENT AGENCY. What a rip-off. I just accidentally discovered it as my wife gave me the mail today. Any official OSHA letter would come from the United States Department of Labor, so your letter sounds like another scam. Ginger, good for you. It said that for Georgia I need to send $275 to them. Form seems credible for those not reading closely, until the last step where it states: "has not been approved or endorsed by any government agency". For sure TBB. I received a similar scam in CO. "Child abuse and neglect proceedings" shall mean proceedings instituted by the filing of a civil petition under W. Va. Code 49-4-601; . So glad I took the time to read the fine print and look online. THANK YOU! Reasons For CPS to Take a Child. These kinds of things are not educated to most business owners, and unfortunately, to some people, they are life learning lessons unless someone shares the information like those on this platform. Teletypewriter (TTY) services are also available at this number. Judy, or how about putting glitter in the empty envelope, LOL. Bite me. In California, you may do this e-filing up to 6 months prior. ALOHA from Hawaii. Whenever an report indicates the need for protection, Child Protective Services will: Approximately 12 months of services are provided to children who remain safely in the home while the family receives services. Thats the same one I received it from. scammers. Service is still sending out bogus, SCAM mailers to businesses/Owners of LLCs in advance of their Statement of Information renewals. CPS sent a legitimate appearing form for my LLC renewal which is due in December. Why waste the electricity on shredding it. Still not sure why the state governments dont stop them. For additional information, call (914)-995-6028 weekdays between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thank you. 855-4LA-KIDS (855-452-5437) If you know a Louisiana child is being abused or neglected, or is a victim of juvenile sex trafficking, call toll-free, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. I file everything myself. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Contact OCFS. CPS operates a toll-free hotline (1-800-800-5556) for people to call and report suspected cases of child abuse or neglect. However, you do need to have a reasonable suspicion. $120 for this CPS filing. So, the best way and legal way to inform the public about C.P.S. Our Carnelian Bay team offers many services to meet the special needs of North Tahoe children and youth who may be at risk, and their families. You can report suspected abuse or neglect of children 24 hours a day, seven days a week at (215) 683-6100. Join the club, throw away the letter, carry on. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Ted, glad that you didnt get fooled by CPS. Tina, kudos for noticing the CPS Filings scam. Washington, DC 20015 Shameful! 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. I do not understand why the government cannot close these people down. letter the end of August after starting our LLC. As a PLA? Then I checked it out and became suspicious of the form. If you suspect a child is being abused or neglected, or know of a family that may need additional support or access to resources, please contact DCFS immediately: Toll-free within California: (800) 540-4000. How are they getting away with this and I think of all the hundreds of small business owners who dont know better and pay this bogus company. They want to charge me $125 to do what I can do for $25. Intention is not clearly identified. How do they get away with this? PS thanks to all for communicating. They are asking for $110. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. When you call, Child Abuse Hotline staff member will ask you to explain the information and circumstances that caused your suspicion. OMGI had my check written out for $185 and was about to seal the envelope when something told me to read the letter again. I know this fee is $9 every two years. I want to find an attorney to file a class action law suit against these scum bags. Lucky for me this New Yorker didnt fall for their scam right to the shredder the letter went. There is no assistance needed. Thanks, Daniel for the advice. They clearly state in type face and font that they are an independent company and not in any way related to the agency indicated. One of the things that really thru me off was if it was a legit company for OSHA, they wouldnt have an email attached to Gmail.com. Child Protective Services Hotline (800) 552-7096 For more information Adult Protective Services Hotline (888) 832-3858 For more information I wonder if they are even filing after people pay them?! At the bottom of the page it says this product or services has not been approved or endorsed by any governmental agency and this offer is not being made by an agency of the government. At the bottom of the form, just below the signature line was a statement letting us know we could also file directly with the state of Oregon for a $100 fee. This is a free country, so theres no way to stop a scammer from sending you a letter, extorting money. TLDR: Have business outside home = print these forms out yourself for free from OSHA websites for inspectors. Welcome to the wonderfully, unregulated world of data-mining, where most of what you file as a business or corporation is being scraped and then resold to sketchy companies like CPS Filings. Thought it looked suspicious so looked up reply address. Providing services to help youth in foster care successfully transition to adulthood. Apply Family Preservation and Support Services for some families Assess or identify problems, gather facts and clarify the problems Plan and provide services, set goals, identify resources and timeframes Document the case Terminate the case or transfer it to another program It solicited $120 payment and used verbiage such as "required to file" etc which narrowly skirted demanding payment. It looks legit but I just needed to clarify. The letter looked suspicious to me too and I looked up the address and your thread came up. There are words in the same font and style that state C.P.S. Hopefully most people will find this before sending money. Corporate Compliance Company. The letter does state this agency is not a Government Agency and does not have a contract with and Government Agency to provide the service. Stephen, So glad that you didnt fall for the CPS filing scam, good for you. The investigator determines if the child is being abused or is at risk for abuse. Sadly when told about it, they do nothing to prevent it from happening again. legal services, medical care, appropriate living arrangements, assistance in personal hygiene, food, clothing, adequately . Maybe the Better Business Bureau? They are sending these in Colorado as well under the name B.C.S., generously offering to file your periodic report for $110, then telling you right on the form (in small print) you can do it yourself online for $10.00, 5614 Connecticut Ave. NW #190 Does have a website and phone number and looks legit. I also googled the address and it is a UPS Store in Indianapolis. Email: cchesney@dconc.gov. C.P.S. Disappointing. C.P.S charges $160! Our signatures were required on the form and we were instructed to mail a check for $185 filing fee. At minimum, the disclaimer of government connection should be required to be the largest print at the top of the page not hidden halfway down the page. How old does my child need to be to stay home alone? But you are one of the smart ones, since you realized that maybe this wasnt the way governments work. Such Blood-suckers to do this during a pandemic! It looked legit. It even quotes the Hawaii Revised Statue and gives Steps 1 5, Step 5 indicating to mail a check for the annual report of $145 to CPS, with a located address in Hawaii. CPS receives and initiates investigations of child maltreatment on a 24-hour basis. Will report CPS to FTC and Better Business Bureau! Office: 919-560-8346. 5868 E. 71st Streetm Suite E # 109, Indianapolis, IN, 46220. FROM THE LOUISIANA SECRETARY OF STATES COMMERCIAL DIVISION and It looks like CPS is running their rouse all across our great nation, which is sad to see. It was strange to me, and then I looked this up online and found this conversation. Child safety is the first concern of Child Protective Services. I was thinking the same thing about how I want to send them stuff since they wasted so much of my time researching whether this was a scam or not! I had letter asking for $120.00 but phone 916 2443826 has voice explaining they are not goverment and I can click 1 to be removed from their mail. Received a postal mail that looked very official telling me it was time to file my Annual Business Report. He should be all over this. 1-800-638-5163 or have your Video Relay System provider call 1-800-342-3720 If you believe that a child is in immediate danger, call 911 or your local police department. California law defines child abuse as any of the following: Community members have an important role in protecting I too received a letter from C.P.S. At first when I googled the company acronym I was getting child protective services. You may have to pay the $400 filing fee, or your attorney may pay it and add the amount to the costs of your lawsuit. agencies if a child is being abused. Besides, why would you need help filing an annual report? To report concerns about child abuse, neglect or sexual abuse, contact the county . Apply Family Preservation and Support Services for some families, Assess or identify problems, gather facts and clarify the problems, Plan and provide services, set goals, identify resources and timeframes, Terminate the case or transfer it to another program. Marta, way to be on the alert for scams like this one. Reports will not be reviewed during evenings, weekends or state holidays. so glad that I second guessed this and didnt pay it! Anika, great question, although CPS Filings may have just approached the line of what is still legal, but highly immoral at the least. (As if they dont have enough to do with the election coming up!). I then logged in to NJBGS official site to check my annual report. They were super helpful and nice to me. Its usually $20 or I think now its even free when you do it online. This hotline has access to a network of welfare agencies around the country and can direct your report to the proper authorities. CPS Filings skims your info from public records, they are not private. Ijust got this mailing today. Services for people with disabilities Services for vulnerable adults This article focuses mostly on claims against child protective services (CPS). Helena, when I filed for an LLC there was no letter from OSHA. So many must have gotten scammed for this company to remain in business. Hard working people are being taken every day for money they dont have to give. Box 94125 Why? Access the headquarters listing for Workplace Compliance Services Contact Information 1026 Florin Road. We also received a Biennial Statement for NYS LLC. Call the 24-hour Child Abuse Hotline (916) 875-5437 (875-KIDS) Total Bogus..in Hawaii we file right on line for a minimal fee!!! Also the fee is more than $100 more than is actually due. II. Not sure why the BBB or IRS does not go after this scamster and hold them accountable for sending out fake letters to unssuspecting business owners, inspite if several complaints to BBB. I just received the same letter, unbelievable. Unscrupulous companies like CPS Filings are operating legally, but not ethically, so lets help expose their scam to more business owners and help to shut down their business. Same here! The Google search led to this site, and the search term C.P.S. Have already filed for 2020 and only cost $ 13.00 on line for this state scam, good for.. You know that they are still alive and active in NJ call ( 914 ) -995-6028 between. It looks like an official form and it is clear they are an independent company and not the Box..., call ( 914 ) -995-6028 weekdays between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m merry Christmas to you and yours well! While viewing a corporation record believe the BB has done nothing about it I filed complaint! 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Steven Moore Obituary, Articles C