By Blowback. On February 15, 2014, fitness guru Richard Simmons disappeared. a couple of years ago that had a young ex-pat Venezuelan comedian say like, Hey, all you Twitter bro-cialists, stop trying to tell me whether or not America should invade my country. It hit all the right notes to paint anyone I mean, Noah and I are disgusting, bro-cialist guys from Brooklyn, but discount that for a second who makes any case against American imperialism as white dudes who have too much time on their hands. CORRECTION: An earlier version of this piece incorrectly suggested that Noah Kulwin had egged on his followers to attack the new season of Slow Burn., egged on by influential lefty-world media figures. The chaos that followed led to the rise of ISIS and the Syrian Civil War, President Barack Obamas ineffective response to such violence, and the unrest and backlash that led to the election of Donald Trump. The Iraq War is history. A podcast about the American Empire. Were using a lot of, hopefully, honest research by people who have spent their whole lives trying to get to the bottom of this stuff, and we respect that a lot. Season Two of Blowback, the first episode of which arrives on all platforms Monday, April 19th (the first two episodes are available on Stitcher Premium), is brimming with intrigue: dissections of events like the CIAs scheming with organized crime, the Bay of Pigs fiasco, and, yes, how all this may or may not tie in with the assassination of John F. Kennedy (All will be revealed, James quips). Ill save everyone the listening time: EVERY (and I mean every) action taken by America and all western countries since at least 1944 was pure evil; and EVERY action taken by the always peace loving, egalitarian, democratic, pacifist communist nations is justified, rational and for the good of the world. (This, in large part, is what initially drew the ire of the over-caffeinated Blowback fanbase: Chalabi appears here as a powerful and dangerous man, and not simply a preening wannabe oligarch as if it were somehow impossible for him to be both.). Sadly, i'm on episode 3 and i can confirm that this is maybe the release with the editing problems someone already mention around here (there is a couple of volume issues and you can hear a third voice saying "cut" or something like that). But if you were paying attention recently, a revealing skirmish over their place in it was waged in a very modern medium: the serialized podcast. And in fact, other countries take cues from us on how to discipline their restive populations. FAQ How will I listen to my exclusive podcast or audiobook? Brendan James: The canned history is the classic: A romantic revolution is popular and admirable, but betrayed by the people who led it, in this case, Fidel Castro, his brother [Ral Castro] and Che Guevara. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:, S2 Bonus 7 - "Sweet Dirty Tony's Baadasssss Song", Guest Bill Corbett (Mystery Science Theater 3000, Rifftrax) and Brendan hang out and talk about some bad Cuba movies. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:, We talk to activists and historians about Cuba, black radicalism, and how the Revolution attacked the problem of racism. This was done under the banner of anti-communism, regardless of whether a country was actually communist or just too left-leaning for Americas taste. Blowback gets its title from a bit of Central Intelligence Agency jargon the unintended and adverse consequences of covert operations. Books used throughout Bitter Fruit: The Story of the American Coup in Guatemala, Stephen Schlesinger and Stephen Kinzer, 2005 Fidel: A Critical Portrait, Tad Szulc, 1983 Bay of Pigs: The Untold Story, Peter Wyden, 1979 Having lived thru the Iraq war and followed the news closely at the time, I can vouch for the accuracy and thoroughness of Blowbacks account & I learned a lot of new stuff. But the conflicts that rend American life today, whether in our schools, political parties, or pop culture, are ultimately about the stories we decide to tell about who we are and how we got here. All three hosts are millennials whose respective series gave listeners a detailed and, speaking as a listener, sometimes too detailed account of the folly, hubris and collective mania that led to the Iraq War. Blowback Podcast | Free Listening on Podbean App Blowback Follow Share 1.7k Followers 47 Episodes Category: Society & Culture Last Update: 2022-11-28 Claim Ownership A podcast about American Empire. In Season 2 we look at a world just as shady and mysterious as MLMs, but one whose promises are at times even more bombastic and unfathomable: WELLNESS. note: CubaNet is a non-profit media outlet that says its dedicated to promoting the alternative press in Cuba and sharing information about the reality of the island.] If you go to CubaNet and say, Where do they get their money from? They get it from the National Endowment for Democracy, which is the U.S. government. Some were charged with firsthand emotion and experience. What do you think are the defining qualities of that kind of empire and how do they still persist today? Bonus Music From Blowback: Season 3 Thanks for supporting Blowbackhere's the original music from Season 3. 0:00. Preview of Spotify. The Civil War (1861-1865): A History Podcast, A history podcast in which Rich & Tracy weave together a chronological narrative of the Civil War era. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:, A rundown of the Cuban revolution's foreign policy in Africa with guest, Cuban diplomat Oscar Oramas-Oliva. Who sells it? Janet Jackson's nephew has criticized her "overly sexualized" live shows. Like, Oh, were just this bumbling giant and we accidentally gave those guys Stinger missiles, and oop, it bit us in the ass.. TJ, the youngest son of Tito . Advertising Inquiries: Thank you for this!! James: Additionally, this totalitarian system produces only poverty and hunger, and these poor, hungry people hightail it to the United States. Privacy & Opt-Out:, President Truman and his Big General in the Far East enter their final standoff over the war. And what happens after in Guatemala? Only on The Daily Wire: "It degrades and objectify's women in a way that's not healthy," wrote TJ Jackson on Twitter. If you go back to [the Cuban Revolution] and use a similar frame, you see a lot of the same things play out., Editors picks Advertising Inquiries: I dont think you can answer that with a straight-up, Yes. The CIAs emphasis was on covert operations and psychological warfare. - Education podcast from United States Blowback (podcast) - Blowback | Listen Notes Listen LaterAPI Data Discover Real-Time Episodes being played now Explorer Find similar podcasts Best Podcasts Recommended by us Hot Podcasts Popular shows today Curated Podcasts Recommended by media Playlists Blowback: S1 Episode 1 - "Rosebud" on Apple Podcasts 58 min PLAY S1 Episode 1 - "Rosebud" Blowback Society & Culture We trace the origins of America's perverse relationship with Iraq, from the Cold War to the Iran-Iraq War in the 80s. This was a mass movement that was incredibly popular. Thats the official narrative. Noah Kulwin: And a colony exporting Soviet totalitarian ideology to the rest of the Western Hemisphere, in violation of Americas sworn promise to protect it in the form of the Monroe Doctrine. Blowback Binge-Worthy Documentary Military History Society Communities Military. A podcast about American Empire. Trusted by 5,200 companies and developers. [Ed. Sign up free. Assassinations, coups, counter-coups, and the rise of Saddam. It hits pretty hard when you think, And what was my government doing then? They were trying to kill those teachers., All of these people were so young, he continues. * Data source: directly measured on Listen Notes. The story of the 1959 Cuban Revolution and its aftermath, as James recently told Rolling Stone, presented a classic, exhaustive case of almost every trick America uses economic sabotage, assassination attempts, psyops, etc. And apparently, [Pakula] was said to have responded, Ive heard that, but I cant think about that right now or Ill go crazy. [Ed. The immense, Shakespearean tragedy of Iraq means that, like Watergate, it will lace those narratives for decades. As decades roll on, the war becomes permanent. It hits pretty hard when you think, And what was my government doing then? They were, At the end of March, the Biden administration published a. The Blowback is a semi-regular, hour-long podcast featuring four transplants from the South, West, Mid-Atlantic and Midwest to New York, giving their insights and irreverent opinions on the funniest, most interesting and unusual news stories of the day. The 100 Greatest TV Shows of All Time Amir, Chase & Doug discuss Amirs social skills in the first ever Blowback podcast. As decades roll on, the war becomes permanent.Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:, Stalemate on the battlefield does not stop the United States from obliterating North Korea.Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:, President Truman and his Big General in the Far East enter their final standoff over the war.Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:, The US threatens to cross the Yalu. While in both Iraq and Cuba, the U.S. tried to impose its will and interests on a foreign country, James and Kulwin note the latter offered a chance to dive deeper into Americas Cold War efforts to obliterate social and economic alternatives to capitalism. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:, With a rightwing, US-backed klepto-case to his South, Kim Il-Sung bets the house. The portal to Gozer the Destructor is opened and the war begins. I think the Obama process [of normalizing relations with Cuba] in 2014 created a real problem where he initiated something and then left it in suspension. Blowback is a weekly podcast that takes an in-depth look at how the American Empire has shaped the world in the past and present. Because of things like World War One and national liberation movements, America realized it had to adjust its language as any good marketing campaign is aware of with the trends. Chase & Chris discuss USC basketball in the first ever, full-length podcast. After claiming your Listen Notes podcast pages, you will be able to: Respond to listener comments on Listen Notes, Use speech-to-text techniques to transcribe your show and In my opinion, relying too heavily on sound clips for comic relief. Joe Biden, Donald Trump, John McCain and Bernie Sanders all came to agree that the war was a mistake. But Rumsfeld remained unapologetic about Iraq until the very end, and in the process, made his name and that mistake largely synonymous. More Information Location: United States Genres: Arts & Culture Podcasts Networks: Stitcher Podcasts Description: A podcast about American Empire. on the Internet. This approach, when applied to the Iraq war, is revelatory. But apt as it may be, James (who also composed the score for Season Two and will release it later this year as an album co-produced with Wets Joe Valle and Marty Sulkow) stresses that its somewhat tongue-in-cheek. One would be wrong. [2] [3] Format [ edit] The cover art for season two of Blowback The first season of the show was a ten part series dedicated to the Iraq War. But when the National Endowment for Democracy produces evidence on countries on our naughty list, its solemnly reported on. As decades roll on, the war becomes permanent.Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:, Stalemate on the battlefield does not stop the United States from obliterating North Korea.Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:, President Truman and his Big General in the Far East enter their final standoff over the war.Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:, The US threatens to cross the Yalu. This interview has been edited and condensed for length and clarity. Blowback Blowback Society & Culture 4.9 206 Ratings NOV. 28, 2022 S3 Episode 10 - "The Host" S3 Episode 10 - "The Host" The armistice in Korea is supposed to be temporary. What do you think these two institutions have in common and why are they not exactly strange bedfellows? A show about people whove done wrong, been wronged, or gotten caught somewhere in the middle. . In the fifth season of Slates Slow Burn, which concluded just weeks before Rumsfelds death, host Noreen Malone delivered listeners one of the series signature deep dives on an event that looms so large over American history weve almost forgotten the details of what actually happened. The important thing is, we live in a society that views such a declaration not as Comey putting a grotesque trophy on his desk whatever his intentions may be but something thats supposedly a marker of progress. Were not political organizers, but if were channeling any message, its to say, Your anti-imperialist antenna should always be raised.. Blowback, a podcast from Brendan James and Noah Kulwin, gives a rich history of both. Blowback Season 3 Teaser COMING SUMMER 2022 The entirety of season three ten main narrative episodes, ten bonus episodes is available all at once to Blowback subscribers, for the price of $24.99. Slow Burn allows space for figures like the late anti-Saddam Iraqi politician Ahmed Chalabi, former New York Times reporter Judith Miller, and, yes, Donald Rumsfeld, to speak for themselves, either in the present or through the historical record, and invites the listener to draw their own conclusions. But were working to verify a lot of the rest. Team Slow Burn wisely declined to take the bait, but after just a single episode, the battle lines were clearly drawn: the mealy-mouthed, ambivalent, lamestream media against the pirate truth-tellers who laced their own account of the war with Howard Stern-like audio drops and profane tirades against Rumsfeld and his cronies. After a critically-acclaimed retelling of the Iraq War, season two of Blowbackpresents the unlikely story of the Cuban Revolution: America's Cold War crusade brings the world to a nuclear-tipped showdown between the Kennedy brothers, Fidel Castro, the Soviet Union, the CIA, and the Mafia. The 100 Best Albums of 2022. New uploads are still planned to be dropping every Friday at 6am/9ET. While listening to a podcast in Overcast, tap the Share icon to pull up the sharing menu. Slow Burn ultimately provides more of an unsettling portrait of the media drumbeat for the war. Blowback Stitcher Podcasts A podcast about American Empire. Thats something we saw in Iraq the escalating calamity provided for escalating opportunities to further dominate and control that region of the world, and a long line of people profited from it. Now: The Russian Revolution Next: ??? When Donald Rumsfeld died this week, in-memoriams for the former secretary of defense who led the charge to war in Iraq were as blunt as the man himself. Check out Ben's brand new weekly series, Debunked. Its first season both begins and ends with the audio equivalent of its two hosts turning to the camera and delivering their neat characterization of the wars causes and consequences. Privacy & Opt-Out:, Stalemate on the battlefield does not stop the United States from obliterating North Korea. But the generation thats inheriting it doesnt quite agree on how the narrative fits together. The Blowback is a semi-regular, hour-long podcast featuring four transplants from the South, West, Mid-Atlantic and Midwest to New York, giving their insights and irreverent opinions on the funniest, most interesting and unusual news stories of the day. Well never sell your personal information. Sarmiento, for instance, shares memories of Operation Peter Pan (an allegedly CIA-backed humanitarian program that convinced parents to send their children, unaccompanied, to America), while Roa-Kouri shines some fresh light on Castros famous 1960 visit to Harlem. Were far from the first to say this, but there hasnt been a meaningful conversation in this country about what American imperialism looks like in decades. But they thought it was a pretty good idea, so they went with one of the most obvious arrangements that offered plausible deniability. For all the detail and research packed into the series 10 episodes, its perspective is simplistic: The Iraq War was the result of the American governments capture by bloodthirsty neocons and the contract-hungry military-industrial complex in the wake of 9/11, abetted by the rolling over of a weak and craven opposition-in-name-only. Naughty list, its solemnly reported on think these two institutions have common. Stop the United States from obliterating North Korea Ben 's brand new series. With one of the media drumbeat for the war was a pretty idea... Agree that the war CIAs emphasis was on covert operations they thought it was mass! Is opened and the war was a pretty good idea, so they went with one of the obvious! Blowback gets its title from a bit of Central Intelligence Agency jargon the unintended adverse... 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