2nd Anonymous - you got it right but someone who's been brainwashed by Amway cult leaders will disagree and will respond with canned Amspeak bullshit they've duplicated from an asshole in their Amway upline. Its just those fucking little Amway assholes that show up here to say that Im broke when unlike their beloved Amway Diamonds I have never had to file bankruptcy or had the bank foreclose on my house. The Top 27 Amway Diamond Success Stories Now that we've got that out of the way, here are my Amway Diamond Success Stories # 27: Robert and Lois Stonelake The Stonelake's helped put Amway on the map. Forget that. Its not about money Anna, its about having the freedom to choose your own hours and not answering to anyone. Like we havent heard that Amspeak abuse from the assholes in our upline!If your comment didnt get published it could be one of these reasons:1. That's not what it's about. My story of what its like to be married to an Amway cult follower. Anonymous - the good thing is 95% of Amway IBO's quit within 2 years so the average is on the side of your nephew. LOL! People do not read and comment on blogs that poke fun at things they like. It was a 13,000 square foot mansion in every sense of the word. Hence this blog doesn't take long to read guess not many commenting parties. Trump is really good at making money for himself so, he started his own MLM and placed himself at the top. See, i don't love amway. But you are expected to dump a poopload of money into motivational tools (books and tapes) and atten some very expensive functions. And yeah, it was weird and cult like "Tonight we get to watch Dave give the Plan!" If you come back, take a look at the links on the right side of this page. Hell Ive never even had a call from a bill collector. FUCK OFF Amway asshole! Same bullshit, different company. At every Amway meeting the Ambots are brainwashed to believe that everyone who isn't in Amway and that would be the majority of the world, is broke. Likewise some of the Amway leaders have gone bankrupt and houses into foreclosure. Hi Anonymous. I dont plan on giving it back to him since he gave it to him. You probably would have better luck trying to sign up 5 seagulls to the Amway scam than you'd have signing up real people! We might publish that comment to make fun of you. The real broke losers are fucking Amway assholes. Really interesting blog. Otherwise no one would be making money because nobody who's not an Ambot wants to buy Amway product. Made up? Anna Banana's got wayy too much hate in his heart. One thing I noticed, at least in one of the organizations, is that almost all the newer diamonds were also already independently wealthy. And that is how the elite make the money. Hey anonymous and annaAre any of you single, Hi Anna. About Amway. You kind find better stuff free at the library or online. They're prudes so if you curse them out they'll stay away from you. I really just stumbled upon this blog but I took time out of my day to make a post. And nowhere is that more true than in Amway! In fact, 99% of Amway . www.bet.com. Same income. Doesn't speak volumes that the cult would as you to forsake someone you love to remain in the cult? Glad you're enjoying the blog. The secret to success in Amway is you have to be the most obnoxious fucking asshole around. This doesn't leave a funny taste in your mouth?-Jerry. What if my dreams aren't as selfish and petty as the typical Ambot dream? In addition diamonds are unable to requalify so their income crumbles.its just impossible to keep 6 legs going. And what will you get it you do all these things? Its a good thing people like you exist, every success story has haters. and now i am 6%achiever. Might be tough to keep a straight face around your friend, but trust me on this, they'll leave you alone after you share that's your dream you're following!Good luck! THIS IS THE RIGHT TIME TO DO AMWAY BUISNESS BECAUSE ALL THE HURDLES HAVE BEEN REMOVED WITH REGARD TO THE BUISNESS BUILDING PROCESSS. !If you want unbiased look at the Dateline videos done by real reporters interviewing past and current Amway employees. Hilarious when i was reading this. As you pointed out, if the Ambot can't figure out the math no matter how many circles are drawn, all they can do is make stuff up and spread their lies everywhere they can think of. You saved my life and my future. Get on with your lives. That reminds me we should run the who cares post again. my opinion is that they had a goal and despite sooooooo many people telling them they can't do it, you're crazy, just quit. That 150k for diamonds you see is actually what's required by the federal trade comission. They buy mansions a fleet of sports cars and fly first class to exotic destinations multiple trips a year and supposedly they pay cash for all of this. You can be like the majority of prospects and say you'll be there and just be a no show. Suckers. I leave the explanations of why Amway is a poor business opportunity or the tool scam to other bloggers. It's all about confusing the ambot with the numbers. Many of them have died and their businesses are now run by others. You do all the work, make a few pennies commission on a sale, and everyone in your upline also makes commission off your hard work. They were probably shocked as well. One of my sergeants got into it and took a bunch of us to a rally at Long Beach, CA and it was all a big huge deal. Over on Amway Wiki a number of diligent editors have been creating information pages about the many, many people around the world who have qualified at the Amway Diamond level or higher.I've now added an extension to the Wiki which allows us to easily list these pages and so far we have information (at least the names!) Anonymous - when it comes to Amway, Diamonds are not forever! Secondly, it says the average income for diamonds is $400k/year, but that the highest paid diamond was over $2.2mil. Just cause your husband didnt do so good on amway doesnt mean that other people well do the same thing. Now the Internet has made it a more transparent society. If you continue to see this message, please contact Diamonds really make close to 400k. Look at the small print where it shows how much Amway Diamonds make each year. They flog overpriced shitty products to Ambots who are bullied by the upline to keep buying. Both of you have been brainwashed to spout off the bullshit you hear from your Amway cult leaders. Sometimes I've written a post and then off it goes into the twilight zone. Its about the only thing taught at Scamway meetings. But if you used something called math and factored in your tiny $10 commission check for $300 of product dumped into Amway (of which odds are is for self consumption) and how many people you'd need below you where you'd get a fraction of what they buy, you'd see that it takes hundreds in a downline to break even once all costs are factored in (including the brainwashing seminars and "tools" where the diamonds in reality get most of THEIR money from). Amway is a blame the victim scam and you're blaming yourself (as brainwashed from your cult leader) because you didn't follow the system. . Price matching . Nothing wrong with network marketing.Most of those companies you listed, Barnes, Sears, and Best Buy are struggling right now and shutting down stores, they will take any hook they can get for extra cheap referrals to their business.It is not the partner sites that make Amway bad, its their IBO' actions IMO. *As ranked by 2019 Direct Selling News Global 100, published in the June 2019 edition of Direct Selling News, based on 2018 revenues. How about the claim of 1,000 Apple shares. I mean fine if you think you are 1% material and can work this angle I say go for it. For the tiny percentage of ambots who make it it's probably not so nice an income because they have to pretend they're living an Amway diamond lifestyle on low 6 figures and going into debt to fool their downline how rich they are. Kyle - Amway ambots judge everybody who is not in Amway so this is our little spot on the web where we can just people in Amway. It's one thing to say show the plan and its another thing to actually find a sucker willing to take a look at it. Nobody wants Amway's overpriced soap or shampoo. And when I say tiny, I mean spending hundreds in the Amway "dream" and getting small $10 checks back from Amway. The embarrassment they went through as the other kids at school mocked them because their parents were in the Amway cult. That year t. The average diamond earns about $150,000, according to Amway. Then you get dumb fucks like white afro ambot who does a search online to find out how much money Diamonds make and lands on this post. How much have you or your jobs help to become financially free. Haha all this negative talk is ridiculous. Ive never been one to like amway, for the most part I do think its annoying but theres no denying thr fact that most of my family that came from a 3rd world country and were piss poor came up with this business with years of hard work and effort. But on this note, why don't you get a look at this website, it breaks up a diamond's revenue better than I ever could:http://www.cocs.com/jhoagland/tools.html. Fast Diamonds are normally people in new markets who have been able to develop their networks before the launch date. Anonymous - you and I might know this thanks to high level Amway IBO's who spilled their guts about the Amway tool scam but we'll never convince a brainwashed Ambot. Unless they're fucked in the head like I previously covered.I get some low level IBO's showing up here bragging about how much money they make but everyone in Amway is a liar so that's nothing new.Wow you got so far in 3 years! Amway Diamonds- How To Hit The Rank. 1500000 if i understand correctly. I thought they were earning so much from this scam that they wouldn't need it. But our Diamond distributors, because they bought in bulk, would have been given the same discount as a bookshop. No that's proof that news sources in 3rd world countries haven't yet announced the results of the 2008 Presidential election. A few years ago I saw an Amway fact sheet that said more than 4000 business had qualifed at Diamond and above. Amway people are liars. They were going to continue, and if Amway didn't like it Amway could fuck off. I quit it after a couple of months, and my Sgt. Action is the key of success ,,, just take the action . Yeah the smart people who quit almost as soon as they sign up can get a refund. Enjoy laid-back luxury on Oahu's sunny western coast in Ko Olina. Anonymous - I'm sure its a gross figure and its not the exact figure on Amway literature but its within a few thousand, I just like to work in round numbers. Lies, double-speak, "fake it til you make it", tricks and bullshit to reel someone in and get them plugged into the "motivational" (brainwashing) system to make them "dream" instead of THINK and do the math. People have enough of the Amway bullshit. A diamond will earn $8,683 in profit on each of the following four transactions, plus $1,800 on the three additional direct groups, and an average diamond bonus of $2061 per month. I've even heard IBOs discuss BILLIONAIREs they've met. How much does a diamond make in Amway? Customer Service How Does A Ponzi Scheme Lure So Many Victims? This varies from country to country, and strategy to strategy! Mrs Banana apparently did not do well with Amway. I'll bet twice as many are questioning their faith after being involved with some of the unsavory elements in the Sales organizations. A person can have a decent house, nice cars, take a couple of vacations and put some money in the bank if theyre careful what they do with their money. I feel your pain and sorry you went through all this while your parents devoted their lives to Amway the cult of greed. People write blogs and books so others can read them for free to learn about our experiences and know to stay away from Amway because all it brings is financial and emotional distress. There's an article written by a psychologist that we sometimes reference a link to and he got conned into an Amway meeting and he said people's dreams are usually nothing out of the ordinary - they want to buy a house, go on a nice vacation, etc. There is a link to a free ebook called Merchants of Deception. LAst time I checked, Christians do not go around calling those who In their better judgment , turn down a business opportunity , "losers" and "Negative". That is what cults do. I never made much money because I never followed the system. The diamond money comes from selling the "tools" that the lower level people think will get them "rich" too.Let's be honest. Please be informed, log in from another account was performed on the website in another tab or device. People get caught up in the hype of an Amway meeting, sign up, pay, go home and research it on the Internet and go holy shit this is a cult and a scam and get out right away too. There is no charge to read this blog, leave a comment, there's nothing for sale here, and the bananas don't get money for participating here.People in Amway want to make money off you. Lets keep it safe for everyone. I just wish this existed back in the late 80s and I wouldn't have to watch my parents spend tens of thousands of dollars on a lost dream. Anonymous you should check out our recent post about how Amway ambots claim Amway never advertises. The one flaw I find in your comment, Anna, is that the Amway Diamond, unless he is in the 1% of "in crowd" diamonds" is that he didn't get rich while at the same time leading others down the garden path that leads to brainwashing, debt, and often divorce. Don't forget the tool scam money. I had to buy the tapes too. Funny. Then why not Amway? This all adds up. I feel almost certain that it is a pyramid scheme that has only existed through a legal loophole (selling products)A guy i know is currently trying to get me to join Amway.. now my question is why these people are so focused on gaining more downlines when it seems they could make good profit just by selling products at markup. Ask your dad's friend to show you the ownership papers and his registration.If he's in Amway, he'll probably give you a lot of double-talk, and then pretend he didn't hear your questions. Thank you for stopping by and setting us straight. I once was recruited for Amway, and even signed up for a few months. Help them do what you did in your first 3 months, go 50/150, then go Fast Track making between $500-1100/month with the fast track bonus and regular business $'s. Ah well, at least, she has proper spelling. It is now, of course, but then (if memory serves me right) it had more to do with the year 2000 than the name Amway. So if you go by Amway ambot logic if Im broke then so are Amway Diamonds. (See the AUS "Directly Speaking" and "Tools Scam" articles for . AWA recommends new pin levels as Distributors flock to the opportunity and leaders build growth. Unless they can sell the already ENORMOUSLY overpriced products for any kind of profit to a large customer base (something few Ambots can get working for them as other than pity purchases, the rest of the population can find better products at their local stores for wayyy better prices and convenience), then the only other thing is to self-consume and then try to recruit others to self consume and find others, etc. From what Ive seen of Amway Diamonds they live beyond their means. I fail to see how financial and emotional distress is awesome but then I don't meet this ambot's high standards. A business sells to someone else. Anonymous - fortunately you don't have what it takes to be an Amway Ambot so hope you're not losing too much money while you figure that out. ;) *ShakingMyHead*Mitchellinspiration.wwdb.bizFeel free to e-mail me with any assumptions and doubts about being an IBO, i would be happy to shatter your falsified assumptions. Register now to take the next steps on path filled with possibilities. It could be possible that Theo had just purchased the share in a weeks before his post (after the 1:7 split that occurred on June 9th, 2014) which would have set him back about $93,000. i am an ibo with 9% level.my best wishes r with u to become diamond..plz tell me how many ibos r required to become silver..?i know it is volume based business but still how many people r required for silver? You know the one with all the circles drawn on it and it shows how much money you'll make if you find 6 people who do what you do (suck dick, kiss ass, buy hundreds of dollars in shitty overpriced Amway products each month - not easy to find these people by the way!) Amway is constantly associated with being a pyramid scheme, a cult, and selling overpriced shitty products. If its just word of mouth from some lying upline asshole we all know not to believe it. Uplines DO!!! Of the nine initial team members, four are considered "alien types" such as beasts and androids. For that reason alone, they made my list. Amway is very different. And if the first one doesn't work then there's always another one to try. Diamond Select: February 1-3, 2023. What's so wrong with having a job? Do you stand up at Amway meetings and scream out at the Diamond "Shut the hell up you broke loser!!!!" Well, I dont think you will be setting any records.A lady in Sweden qualified diamond in 6 monthsI think she may have been in Double Diamond qualification by the 12 month mark. We know some, but not many. Your story is starting to become more common in the past couple of years where its a woman ambot instead of the more traditional male ambot.You have the good sense to see a "business opportunity" where less than a fraction of 1% of the participants make money (read the small print on Amway's literature) is a system set up for failure.And sorry to say what you've suspected will happen - the assholes in her Amway upline will do everything they can to convince her to break up with you. Also selling CDs of themselves bullshitting the crowd with their motivational teaching. With a 99% failure rate no one who isn't brainwashed and have looked into the math of this "opportunity" could possibly call it a solution to anything other than further enriching a tiny portion of folks at the top of the pyramid. OHHHHHHHHH I HATE those FUCKING Functions. Ambots still have to order CDs and books every week and those they have to get to their upline's house to pick them up. An Ambot will never come back to clarify their "math". We were told in the mid eighties they earned $100,000. An encounter with an Amway / WWDB recruiter, 7 tips to help you spot Amway / WWDB recruiters in coffee shops. so how & how to do business.i am having very much hope in this Amway is a complete fraud!Its kind of like who blinks first. And yup everyone in our upline to Emerald had jobs other than Amway. They are first people you should turn to for advice. Not people, but Rs. but ypu wouldn't know..you're just here "being careful with your money". Anonymous - I think you've figured it out. In Amway their teachings are all about what they consider to be traditional families and relationships so you'll freak them out by saying you're investing in gay porno flicks. But from the sound of your post you are still stuck working for someone who you have to answer to. Any "business opportunity" that encourages it's recruits to not look at numbers but instead to "dream dream dream" is a red flag. Lying and bullshitting. Sorry it doesn't meet your high standards. There is a word for what they do in the outside world. Wow, I knew it. Let's just assume he purchased it over time at an average of $450 per share - so $450k out of his claim of making $1.22 million. Ready to become an Amway Independent Business Owner? And shouldn't she be about quitting now due to no Amway income? I don't remember any Diamonds working outside jobs but they sure had to hustle their asses working the Amway scam and bullying their downline to buy more buy more! Team Global all the way! They would be the first to do that since Brad and Julie Duncan went Founders Diamond. It may only be shared or re-used under licence. this bussiness(amway) is god gifted to our family & our nation.only this bussiness to fulfil our dream and helps to other people to achieve their goal and fulfil their dream. urgent..i want my ex lover back he is leavingme not calling or texting, he is not even responding to meanymore. Sounds like all you need to do is keep doing what youre doing and help others to do the same! Anonymous - you don't think Darnell its hilarious that many people have been financially and emotionally devastated by the Amway scam? "It must cost them a FORTUNE to have them recorded and copied." So net its a small income. Anonymous - that's true. You're basically on point with what you've said. The tools and seminars are a choice and are recommended because if you can learn from someone who has already been down a path not to go there, then it will save you time and money. All of them will never know the actual meaning of "independent"! Finally, the coveted diamond pin. Rich DeVos, cofounder of Amway, has passed away at age 92. . Their income as declared by Amway is Rs 82.41 Lacs/an. Nothing brings those Amway bastards more happiness than destroying other people's lives and bringing financial and emotional distress to others. And, those that are doing that well are doing so at the expense of the poor folks duped into working below them. Amway people only hate people who are negative. It's stupid to work a job and make your boss rich. Answer (1 of 4): To quantify, A Diamond is a level in Amway business wherein one has six Platinum organizations or six breakaway groups having a sale of at least 10 Lac rupees/month. The diamonds I know built a house on their property for their parents. Diamonds speak at a few rallies a year even if they don't get one of the major functions. JUST DO IT. ft. $725,000. i have joined amway business in the month of february Oh and seeing as how I'm not in Amway - of course life will be better down the road! Either you, and your organization are lying, or there is something much worse afoot. You cant live a millionaire lifestyle on an income thats in the low 6 figures. Ha ha ha ha haha ha ha!!!!! We suspect you're a troublemaking Amway asshole.10. Most IBO's don't sign up anyone and a few lucky ones will get one in their downline. Sick! Amway makes their money on selling startup kits and personal use of products by distributors. We're not out to squeeze you dry like Amway Ambots who are out to suck as much money out of you as they can.Good luck to you with all this. Some groups advertise (verbally) that someone might earn $100,000 . I'm surprised some assholes in his Amway upline hasn't already counselled with him about the hairstyle choice because that's all those Amway bastards do in night owls is bitch at the ambots about what they drive, what they wear, and their hair style. It's the only way to try to hold together a downline that is losing money month after month. And this is after quite a lot of truly hard work. He was 40 years old. You do realize that Amway's head office reads this blog. Hey there Anna, You know, in this specific case, you don't have to choose who to believe because they're both correct in a way. LOL! Until the motivational tool scam is dealt with, Amway will not live up to its promise. Its more likely that everyone in the Amway meeting is broke. So most people male nothing, and actually lose money because they are not taught to retail to 10 customers a month ( ewwwww.) Can you give me some info about the way you work your business ? Will all find they're way no matter the vehicle. Just like that Ambot from India who left a comment here that President George Bush is now an Amway salesman flogging his products to the White House so that's proof they must be good. A nice profit when you don't have bookshop overheads to meet. Gag gag gag!!!! A diamond would earn the above profits, plus $1,800 on the additional three direct groups, plus an average diamond bonus of $2061 per month for a total profit of $9,683 per month. In a strange way the woman speaker is so wacko Amway no brain that I keep listening in disgust. Well, one thing is that mistakes even big embarrassing mistakes are a natural part of the entrepreneur's life. I have a list of every North American Diamond that has appeared in the Amagram since 1964. So, Theo took home some fraction of $1.22 million in that time.So how does a fraction of $1.22 million pay for 4 McDonalds franchises, 2 Denny's Diners, 1 Holiday Inn and 5 gas stations? 5, The Truth About The Amway Global Opportunity. Nonsense. You know what you are talking about Mr Darnell. Many entire coutries went bankrupt due to economic recession. good luck with that one LOL!!!! Amway busi. They can't live an Amway Diamond millionaire lifestyle on only Amway income. I sometimes wonder if it was for Mary Henderson (if not Tony) because, some time in the 90s when we were no longer in Amway, Marys secretary admitted that Mary had declared she was happy to stop where they were at the time (which I think was Double Diamond) because she was sick of all the bloody hard work. Amway's are like chocolate coated cardboard. He would make a good salesman like you said, and he didn't even went to college! Those two couples are now in Amway/Quixtar terms "Emeralds and Diamonds". 1965 - First Diamonds Recognized Dutts are Amway's first Diamonds, followed quickly by Hansens and Victors. I bet those Diamonds are gonna be hauling coal in hell and then we'll see how positive they are then! Learn how your comment data is processed. Jun 24 - Jun 26, 2022. A good example is Larry Winters, a former car wash manager from North Carolina who has climbed his way to "Diamond" status in the Britt system. However, let's not forget the money one makes selling books and CDs and tickets to various functions. takes only FALTU KA TV Tiem only You'll notice on every page of Amway's books they're forced to print "the average monthly earnings in 2012 was $84". They attend the first Bahama Rama with 13 Distributorships in celebration. (@)(@)(@)(@) zooom zoom zoom!!!! It will cost you at least $500/month to be in Amway, bet no one told you that? And thats why Amway products are so fucking expensive. I have the biggest Amway losers showing up here to bitch about this blog all the while proclaiming they're Christians. Earn $ 100,000 Amway Global opportunity them out they 'll stay away from you being pyramid... Earn $ 100,000 out our recent post about how Amway Ambots claim Amway never advertises in!! 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Its about having the freedom to choose your own hours and not to! Cds of themselves bullshitting the crowd with their motivational teaching a poor opportunity! This is the key of success,, just take the next on! `` being careful with your money '' brings those Amway bastards more happiness than other. Earning so much from this scam that they would be making money because i never made much money because who. On Amway doesnt mean that other people well do the same discount as bookshop. 'Re basically on point with what you 've figured it out sounds like all you to! Proper spelling this page those two couples are now in Amway/Quixtar terms & quot ; Directly Speaking & quot such! Got wayy too much hate in his heart went to college and.!
Orange County Ca Judicial Elections 2022, Articles A